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So... This is it.
This is the end.
Here I have ended my story sadly.
I want everyone to know that there are no happy endings always and that is the sad truth...
My characters life took a great toll on everyone, nobody is same as in first few chapters, you will know the difference.
And it was hard for her to make a choice. Sometimes you'll be the only one that will know what to do. Whether it will turn out good or bad. All you have to do is, be prepared.

Life rules us in an odd way.

This story will always be near my heart and all the characters will not be forgotten. I haven't thought of making a sequel, just because I want you all to soak up the ending well and remember...

"Nothing hits us hard than life itself, but who stands strong,
Wins... "

So this is goodbye to all the loyal readers ♥♥♥

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