Chapter 27: Ending The Beginning

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"Fuck! I'm about tough!" Samantha yells out before thrusting her member deep into Shade's ass.

"That's... The... 11th load... All I need are the remaining three. Trihexa, Scathach, and Luna." Shade says while panting.

"I'll go first!" Trihexa yells as Samantha took her clothes and left the room.

'This will be a long day.'

- Kuro

A large portal opened as an army of Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils enter it with each leader in their own groups.

"Where are the others?" Sirzechs asks as he confronts the other leaders.

"They said to don't attack unless you hear someone yell out a weird reference," Michael says.

"Weird." Serafall comments.

"When will this signal be heard?" Azazel asks.

"I don't know," Beelzebub says.

"People die when they are fucking killed!! Charge!!" Two large portals open and out came Tiamat in her dragon form and Great Red with Luna, Trihexa, Samantha, Vivian and Terra each in their battle outfit.

"You heard her! Charge!" Sirzechs yells out.

"Chhhaaaarrrrgggeeee!" The devil faction yells out as they run through the portal as Azazel & Michael yells.

The moment they enter the portal inside was a galaxy like place as the entire army was frozen abit before hearing a large trumpet.

In the distance is the enemy army.

"Kill everything!!" The general as she raised her spear and started to charge towards them.

It took the concentration away as The 3 factions attacks.

[With Shin]

Shin's body was covered with scratches and his shirt destroyed but the Magician has one last arm.

"This is interesting." The Magician said. "I'm guessing this is the last?" He added.

"Yes," Shin replied before going into a stance then rushed towards Him.

"What!!" The Magician yells as Shin appears in front of him then slams his foot onto the ground stunning the Magician.

"1st Punch of Light!" Shin's fist gets covered in a white glow before punching The Magician on the chest.

"Goodbye, Sento." Shin says as The Magician smiles before turning into dust.

Shin summons a portal seeing the war had started. "Might as well." He jumps into the portal.

[With Shade]

Shade sits cross-legged in the middle of a room wearing a black civilian outfit as a large Yin symbol was on the floor.

"I shall conquer what I needed." Shade chanted as the symbol glowed.

"Not everything I have have been acquired."

The symbol slowly starts to rotate.

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