Chapter 30: Great Mother vs S&K

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Luna flies around as she dodges the chains of heaven being shot at him by the elder brother. Trihexa laughs at their effort as the little sister starts to get annoyed at her.

The elder sister got killed and the little brother both getting absorbed by the two sisters and for the mother, she currently is hiding using the gates of Babylon.

"I've had enough time." Luna snaps her fingers as a large slash on both of the siblings spills out blood from their chest causing both to fall to the ground panting heavily.

"Looks like... I'm the next one... Goodbye... Big brother..." The sister turns to yellow dust.

"Shit..." The brother smiles before slowly standing with his body slouching.

"What is your last chance?" Luna says as both sisters stand in front of him.

"Say... Are you two gods?" The brother asks.

"Hm? Bad last words but yes." Trihexa says.

"Good!!" A golden aura covers the brother causing both sisters to leap back by a good distance as he stands up straight.

"I shall offer this one strike as the ceremony of separation!"

The brother starts to float as a golden portal opens in front of him.

"I speak of the beginning. Heaven and earth are divided and nothingness celebrates Creation. My Sword of Rupture rends the world apart."

A handle appears as the brother takes it and raises it up revealing the Sword of Rupture, EA.

"No way!" Trihexa yells.

"The vortex that turns the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of genesis. Subside with death!" He yells. 'With this, I'll kill them all! I'm pouring every mana I have!'

"He's going to kill all of us!" Luna yells as the doors just open.

"Not if I got it!" Scarlet yells. "Reveal the spear that can kill the gods! Gae Bolg, God Slayer!"

Scarlet throws a red spear being covered in a golden aura going straight towards The Brother.

"No!" A golden portal opens and The Mother blocks the spear as she falls to the ground.

"Mother!!" The brother yells.

"Finish it!!" She yelled back.

"Enuma Elish!" Bringing down EA it shoots a beam towards his enemies.

Luna smirks.

The beam hits clean wiping them off the floor as the brother lands and approaches his dying mother.

"Mom!" He cries.

"You... Did it... I'm... Sorry... I couldn't make it..." The mother says. "But... I did... Have a good time." She gives out one last smile before slowly disappearing into yellow dust.

"I... Won?" The brother smiles.

"I don't think so." The brother turns around as a katana cuts his head clean off.

"How?" The brother says as his body slowly turns into yellow dust. "How did you survive?!"

"Luna." Scarlet puts the katana away.

"I used a spell." Luna blatantly answers. "Come on girls and Shin." She added causing them all to go to the door for the last level except for Shin who bows before following them.

'I see... It seems I never have the chance to win in the beginning... I have just toyed.' Was the brother's last thoughts before completely disappearing.

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