12) .The Doctor's Problem.

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.The Doctor's Wife.

~Catherine Wood~

"And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able to re-attach the head."

Rory looked at the Doctor in disbelief. There was no way this story could be true. Rory had seen many things in his time, but something this ridiculous was just crazy. He looked to Amelia. "Do you really believe any of this stuff?"

Amelia looked really green all of a sudden as though she might have thrown up. I could relate to what she felt. The story wasn't exactly a 'happy' one. "I was there."

"Oh, it's the warning lights," the Doctor said as the lights blinded us all of a sudden. "I'm getting rid of those. They never stop."

"They're probably there for a reason, Doctor," I warned. "Check the scanners."

While the Doctor did this, I heard Amelia and Rory's conversation from the other side of the console, talking in quieted tones.

"Hey. You're still thinking about it, aren't you?" Rory asked her.

Amelia looked up and saw my glance. She turned her and Rory around so they were faced away from me, but it did no difference. I could still hear them the same.

"Oh, shush," she spat. "We saw him die."

"Yeah, two hundred years in the future."

That surprised me. This is what they had been hiding the whole time. The Doctor was going to die? No wonder they had been so secretive. When I had said that Amelia had seen a ghost, she quite literally had. Had my future self been there, is that why I didn't know or had I not been there at all? Had the Doctor not wanted me to see what happened? Should I tell him what his own future was? Two hundred years in the Doctor's future, but only a hundred in mine. We must have been separated at a point along the way. Whether that was his fault or mine, I wasn't entirely sure. But it was likely his. I'd never leave him for the world. And if I needed to, I'd make him come with me. I loved him too much to leave him. I glanced in his direction at the very thought and caught him looking right back at me. I turned away quickly, my face going red.

"Yes, but it's still going to happen."

There was a knock. A knock on the TARDIS door. The only other time that had happened hadn't been good news. The Doctor obviously remembered the occasion by the way that he gave me a hesitant look.

"What was that?" Amelia asked.

"The door," the Doctor told her. "It knocked."

"Right," said Rory, unbelieving. "We are in deep space."

"It's happened before," I mentioned with a shrug.

The recent enlightening information had almost left my mind by the sudden interruption. Almost.

"We're very, very deep," the Doctor agreed with Rory. "And someone's knocking. Is it good news? Unlikely."

"I'll get it," I said softly, slowly walking to the TARDIS door. I pulled it open much quicker than I had approached the door, quite like ripping off a band-aid.

Outside was a small little box. A box with a silver glow to it. the glow was dim, but I knew exactly what it was as soon as the box landed in my hand. I had seen very few of these in my long lifetimes, but I knew them well. They would frequently land at Eternalia's door during the time of war. I turned, holding it up to the Doctor. It immediately started floating again, heading toward to whom the mail was directed.

A smile burst on his face. "Oh, come here. Come here, you little scrumptious beauty." He caught it with grace, examining it from every side.

"A box?" Rory wondered.

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