41) .The Love of Desta.

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.The Wedding of River Song.

~Third Person~

The Doctor awoke with a splitting headache. So it was just a stun gun then. Brilliant. He survived. He loved it when he did that. But now he was laying on an unfamiliar sofa and when he opened his eyes and blinked away the blurriness from them, there was eye patch wearing Amy sitting on the edge of her desk, arms folded over her chest. Oh no, an evil Amy out of all things this faux world could produce was one of the worst possible options. But Amy stood and leaned forward when she saw he was awake, a kind smile on her face.

"Those stun guns aren't fun. I'm sorry," she apologized. "I wanted to avoid a long conversation. You need to get up, though. We'll be in Las Vegas shortly. I know what you're thinking. Why Vegas of all places? I don't know. I'd ask Cat that when we see her."

"Catherine is there?" the Doctor asked, sitting up in the chair and attempting to pull himself to his feet.

"Sure, she's the head of the whole operation." 

That was no surprise to him. Catherine against, now going with the Silence? That was no surprise at all.

"So I'm guessing she's told you everything, then?" he asked. "I'm sure your memories are quite scrambled."

Amy nodded. "It helped that I could remember bits and pieces. I draw to keep myself up to date on all our adventures. Rory seems to be struggling more than me, though." She indicated the drawings all around her office. They were of different creatures they had encountered. There was everything from the Daleks to the TARDIS and more. He recognized a drawing of four people. You could almost call it a portrait. Him, Amy, Rory, and Catherine, all standing there like their life hadn't fallen apart at the seams. "I didn't remember Rory at first, but when Catherine told me who he was I couldn't believe I had ever forgotten him."

"That's kind of her." He said it sarcastically and harshly, earning himself a glare from Amy.

"Once you see what we've been working on, you'll understand. But before that!" She swung a suit out in front of him. It had the same tweed jacket and bowtie that he had worn every single day since he'd regenerated. 

The Doctor was quick to change and shave, though he was in desperate need of a hair cut. He turned around to show Amy his change and she clapped pleasurably. Telling him he looked cool when it was clearly a lie. His hair pretty much ruined the whole look. 

"Cool office though," the Doctor complimented, swinging around the back of her desk. "Why do you have an office? Are you a special agent boss lady? What's that mean? Not sure about the eye patch, though."

Amy laughed at his child-like words. "Yes, I'm the head of the tracking department. Our recent job was to track you down. Now, I'm not sure what I'll be doing. And I wouldn't worry about the eye drives. They're safe. Cat discovered that you can remember the Silence by wearing them, so she made Madam Kovarian give us all one."

"Head of a department, eh? It sounds like you've got a big organization."

"The biggest, actually. There are seven departments with five branches. Cat said she based it off of the Eternl government system, whatever that means. I'm the head of level three. Reid's the head of level four, River over five, Rory over six, and Cat herself over seven."

"And what are all the different levels?"

"Mine's tracking, of course, then statistics, data, military, and operations," she explained, counting each on her fingers. "The other lower levels aren't terribly important, but keep the whole thing going."

"Catherine really knows what she's doing," he marveled. 

"She's helped us so much. It's so hard to keep on remembering."

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