My, what big hands you have

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The next day, my leg felt better. A jellyfish stinging you sucks. I don't recommend it. I took a shower, then came downstairs to see what Satan is doing because I enjoy harassing him.

I walked into the kitchen to see Satan packing a cooler. Okay, he's leaving for the day or going on a picnic alone. Either way, I will relax on the beach since we're in Hawaii.

I walked over to the coffee pot and poured coffee into a cup.

"I hope you rested," Satan mentioned.

"For what?" I asked, sipping my coffee.

"Today, we're going hiking with everyone," Satan said as I stop mid-drink. He looked at me. "You have hiked before?" Satan question.

"Yeah, sure, I'm a pro at hiking," I lied, making a face.

"Good, then you won't have an issue keeping up," Satan said, closing the more relaxed, then leaving the kitchen.

Oh, why did I say that? I never hiked a day in my life. If you consider walking from the couch to the fridge exercise, then I'm the queen of fitness. I finished my coffee, then went to put on a pair of decent shoes. I had no idea what to expect, but I would find out.

After getting the proper footwear on, I left the house and got into a car. Satan drove us along with Grandma and Alec to the hiking trail.

"What do you have there?" Grandma asked Alec.

"Gummies. Do you want one?" Alec asked.

Grandma looked at the bag and shrugged. "Sure, why not? I enjoy gummy bears." She popped one in her mouth as I turned around to look at Grandma and Alec. Alec stupidly smiled as Grandma followed suit. Oh shit, those weren't any gummies. That gave me an idea. I knew what would make this hike a lot more fun.

"Alec, maybe Satan would enjoy a gummy bear," I suggested.

"Okay," Alec shrugged. He handed me the bag, and I held it up to Satan.

"Want a gummy bear?" I offered Satan.

"I'm not a fan of sweets," Satan answered.

"Yeah, but they're tasty, and it's not that sweet," I suggested. Satan glanced at me, and I smiled sweetly.

"Maybe later," Satan said. I held onto the gummies.

We pulled into a parking lot and got out of the car. David and Mary were waiting for us, along with the Langley's and the groom's family. We walked towards the others, greeting them.

Then I heard someone say, "Oh, my goodness."

I turned as a woman walked towards us and hugged Satan. Okay, there's nothing weird about a random stranger hugging someone.

She looked at me. "You must be Liliana. It's wonderful to meet you," the woman said cheerily.

"Yeah, you too," I replied even though I have no clue who you are b

"Oh, I forgot my manners. I'm Cherisse," Cherisse told me, smiling.

"Oh, you're the bride and ex of Satan," I mentioned. She looked at me strangely. "Oh, excuse me, it's a nickname I gave Dimitri. It's an inside joke."

Cherisse giggled. "Oh, you're a hoot. I'm thrilled Dimitri met someone like you," Cherisse commented as she hugged me. She let go of me as my eyes widened. "I'm a hugger." She shrugged, then joined her fiancé.

I looked at Satan. "Is she always this chipper?" I questioned.

"Yes," Satan answered.

"Maybe her parents should have named her Polly Sunshine because of her sunny disposition," I remarked. Satan chuckled. Whoa, I got Satan to laugh. That's a new one.

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