The day after

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I woke up the next day feeling groggy. I looked over to find Liliana gone. What the hell happened last night? I remember eating a brownie, then chasing Liliana around the bedroom. After that, it's a little hazy.

I threw the covers off, then stood up, noticing that I'm naked, oh god. I found a pair of boxers, pulling them on as I stood there, trying to remember what happened last night. Did we?

The door opened and Liliana came into the room fully clothed in shorts and a top.

"What happened last night?" I asked confused.

"Well, we ate a brownie, then you chased me. It got heated between us and you rocked my world," Liliana answered, smirking.

My eyes widened. We had sex last night! I sat down, shocked.

"Oh, relax, Satan," Liliana told me. "Nothing happened last night," Liliana added as I looked at her.

"Really?" I asked. I didn't understand why I felt a little disappointed.

"You passed out and no offense, but that makes sex boring. Now, excuse me, I'm off to spend the day with Polly sunshine," Liliana told me, leaving the bedroom.

I grabbed my phone and made a call. The person picked up the other end. I waisted no time telling the person what happened last night, then it met me with laughter.

"Chandler! That's not funny," I yelled.

Dude, that's hilarious. Didn't it dawn on you that Liliana eats edibles?

I rubbed my forehead in frustration. "It doesn't help the fact we almost had sex last night. Why would I do that?" I questioned.

Because you like this girl and the edibles made you relax enough to drop your guard around Liliana. You're so busy denying your feelings that it doesn't matter what you do. Dimitri, you can deny all you want, but the truth is you care about this girl.

I sat there, thinking about what Chandler said.

Where is Liliana at now?

"Spending the day with Cherisse," I answered.

Wait. Liliana is spending the day with your ex? The same ex that turned down your marriage proposal, but is now getting married to someone else. Doesn't it seem strange your ex wants to spend time with someone you brought to the wedding?

My eyes widened as I dropped my phone and raced to get dressed. Shit, I didn't even think about this until Chandler said something.


Polly sunshine picked me up and drove me to a place to get a manicure and pedicure. I didn't know what to expect with this trip to town. We arrived at the place and went inside the building.

One of the workers showed us two chairs and we sat down, removing our shoes, then put our feet in a tub of warm water. The nail tech pushed a button as the basin shook, offering a massage.

"I love pampering myself," Cherisse mentioned, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, it's okay. I'm not sure what the hoopla is with getting a mani/Pedi," I replied as I sat there. I honestly didn't because this is boring.

"All girls should pamper themselves once in a while. It's self-care," Cherisse said.

"Isn't self-care making sure you take a shower and wearing clean clothes?" I asked.

Cherisse giggled. "You're such a hoot. It surprised me when my parents said Dimitri was bringing his fiancée with him to the wedding. I didn't think he was dating anyone," Cherisse mentioned.

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