What are you doing?

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I returned home after running some errands. I heard music playing loudly and opened the door to find Dimitri dancing around in a pair of boxers with hearts on them and my panties on his head. I stood there, watching him shake his ass. Satan got into the edibles again.

Satan turned around to see me standing there. I set my purse down as he carried on with the dancing. I walked over to him as he stopped.

"What are you doing and why do you have my panties on your head?" I asked Satan.

Satan stood in a superhero stance. "I am panty man," he declared, making me laugh.

"How many times do I have to tell you not eat edibles that Kris drops off," I said with a look.

Satan looked at me. "Diego created a new batch and it's awesome," he said. "Do you want one?" He picked up the bag, holding it out to me.

"No," I answered with a look.

Satan tossed the bag on the coffee table.

"It surprises me that you turn down edibles," Satan mentioned.

"Well, it happens when you have to wait eight months to consume edibles," I said casually.

Satan looked at me strangely.

"I don't think the baby will enjoy coming out high," I said as Satan looked at me, surprised. I waited.

"We're having a baby," Satan said, surprised.

"No, I'm having a baby. You contributed to helping," I corrected Satan.

"Even better," Satan said, grinning. I rolled my eyes and giggled. This will be a fun eight months.


Do you know how it thrills you to learn that you will a baby? Well, I learned a valuable lesson, childbirth sucks. I watched this human emerge from my happy place and it grosses me out. I will never look at my wife's nether regions the same way again.

During the delivery, I passed out from watching this. Liliana yelled at me. It's not my fault that I didn't enjoy watching a tiny human come out of my wife's body. It's more fun to create a person than it is to watch it come into the world.

After the nurse woke me with slapping across the face, I helped Liliana. I still feel the slap. The baby arrives and it's a girl. That means no dating forever. I don't need some guy getting their hooks into my daughter. Yeah, Liliana claims our daughter, but she belongs to me.

I danced with Goldie as she smiled at me while I sang to her. Liliana leaned against the doorframe of Goldie's room and watched us. I made faces at the baby as she giggled.

"Isn't it past Goldie's bedtime," Liliana mentioned.

"Oh, it's okay. We're having a father-daughter moment. Aren't we Goldie?" I asked, making faces. Goldie smiled as I put her down in her crib. I turned on an aquarium that used lights as Goldie stared at it in awe.

I walked over to Liliana.

"Look at you, acting dad like," Liliana mentioned.

"I can be a dad, especially when I got the right partner," I said as I pulled Liliana to me. "We should have another one," I suggested.

"And who's going to house it?" Liliana asked me.

"Well, you are since you have the capability," I answered.

"Keep dreaming, buddy," Liliana said, patting my chest.

"I feel it's reasonable," I smirked.

"Well, there are known cases of pregnant men," Liliana mentioned, tapping her lips with her fingertip.

I gave Liliana an unamused look. She smirked. I shook my head. Leave it to my wife to change it up on me.


Satan and I settled into marriage and parenthood nicely. We did have one more child who was a boy. We named the boy Dante. Two was enough for me, so I got fixed.

I helped Satan with the business but stayed home with the kids so that they didn't turn into little assholes. I know it's not PC with me, but it's true.

When the kids aren't acting jerky which is ninety percent of the time, I blame Satan's genes. They acted like angels. Excuse me, while I laughed hysterically.

We also moved to a house next door to Kris and Chandler who had three boys, who are triplets and the same age as Goldie. Our daughter is surrounded by boys. It drives Satan nuts. So much for keeping the boys away. I laughed.

One time I thought Satan's head would explode.

"You don't touch my daughter!" Satan barked at one boy.

"Who will make me?" Damien yelled.

"What to see the big bad wolf? Keep it up kid," Satan demanded.

Damien stuck his tongue out at Satan.

"You stop it!" Satan told Cedric.

"Meh," Cedric replied, shrugging.

"What is this?" Satan asked, taking a flower from Goldie and holding it to Andrew.

"It's a flower," Andrew said.

"Why are you giving my daughter a flower?" Satan asked.

"Why not?" Andrew asked. Satan looked at Andrew.

I laughed at Satan as he dealt with the Bear brothers. He picked up Goldie and walked away from the boys.

"Bye, Andrew, I shall miss you," Goldie yelled, waving.

Satan put Goldie's hand down and said, "You will not miss anyone, young lady or I will send your brother to protect you."

Goldie's eyes widened.

"Remember you're a Wolf. Any person that messes with you, you eat them," Satan said as Goldie nodded.

Great, my husband is turning my kids into cannibals. I don't think it matters because I have a feeling we will not stop what's coming with the kids. It will be funny watching Satan's head explode.

The final chapter and lead to what I have planned are next.

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