Life is life

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I stayed at my parents for the next four months to spend time with Dad. Dad stops responding to treatment and we watched him pass away peacefully. I cashed the check Satan gave me to help pay Dad's funeral expenses. When I went to pay, the funeral home informed me that it was paid in full. I also found out that my parent's mortgage was paid off along with any debts. That helps considering we're grieving the loss of my father.

I sat in a chair outside, looking at Dad's casket and smiled. I'm happy that I had a chance to spend his remaining months with Dad. It makes you appreciate people more.


I stood in the distance of the cemetery, looking at Liliana sit there. Chandler stood next to me.

"Why don't you talk to Liliana?" Chandler asked.

"And say what? I'm sorry that I was an ass and put you through hell," I said, looking at Chandler.

"It's a start," he said.

"Liliana is dealing with a significant event. The last thing she needs is seeing me again," I reasoned.

Chandler gave me a look as I shrugged. I looked at Liliana and smiled. Perhaps one day, Liliana will see me again. I turned and walked away.


I turned and thought I felt someone watching me. It must be my imagination running wild. I got up and walked over to the casket, placed my hand on it, then leaned down, placing a kiss on top of it. I turned and walked away, knowing Dad isn't hurting anymore.

We gathered after the funeral and told stories about Dad. My dad was a fun-loving man who enjoyed life. I got my sense of humor from him along with my witty comebacks. After people left, I helped Mom clean up, then gathered up my items.

Mom leaned against the doorframe. "You know, you don't have to run off so quickly," Mom said.

I zipped up my bag and turned to Mom.

"Yeah, but Dad wouldn't want me to wallow. He would say, Red, don't let people keep you down. No one is better than another and we all get buried in the same grave, be humble," I imitated Dad.

Mom giggled.

"Then, Dad would say, put your big girl panties on and show them who they are dealing with now. You never let anyone knock you down and keep getting back up. You're a Red," I added.

Mom smiled, knowing Dad told us that.

"So, what about that man you spent a week within Hawaii?" Mom inquired.

I looked at Mom and sighed. "I thought we connected but realized it's not meant for us."

"Liliana, people aren't perfect and they make mistakes. It's what makes us human. Perhaps this man forgot how it feels for someone to care about him. If you didn't care, you wouldn't make sure he ate and his company ran smoothly. That has to count for something," Mom reminded me.

"I hoped that Dimitri would understand that people genuinely care about you. That not everyone is like his ex who thinks of themselves. Kindness goes a long way when someone is having a rough time," I said, smiling.

That made Mom smile. I picked up my bag and carried it out to the taxi. Once I loaded it into the trunk, the driver took me home. It'll be nice to sleep in my bed and drive my car again. I don't regret the time I spent with Dad.

I got home and opened the door to my apartment as Kris came out of the kitchen. I set my bags down and she walked over to me. Kris hugged me and I finally cried. She offered me comfort as I cried. I didn't want to cry in front of people, but it's difficult maintaining my composure.

The next day I woke up and dragged my ass out of bed. I smell freshly brewed coffee. I so needed a cup. Kris handed me a cup and I poured that caffeine goodness into it.

"So, what now?" Kris asked me as I sipped my coffee.

"Well, let's see, I lost my dad, jobless, and single. Life is grand at the moment," I mentioned, drinking my coffee.

"It will not always be that way. Buck up," Kris mentioned.

"I'll take my happy pills and let them kick in even if I don't take medication," I mentioned.

"Well, how about you attend a party my boyfriend is throwing?" Kris asked me.

I looked at Kris confused. "When did you get a boyfriend?" I asked.

"While you were in Hawaii dealing with Satan. We met at the grocery store. It was love at first cart," Kris said, fluttering her lashes. I laughed. Only Kris can find a love connection in a grocery store. I find rotten fruit.

"What party?" I asked.

"It's a costume party in the spirit of Halloween. You have two weeks to find a costume," Kris told me.

Great, a costume party. With my luck, I will meet someone who's crazy and needy. Every time Kris suggests a party, it results in dating someone who turns out a dud. Well, there will be food. It can't be all bad.

"Okay, but you're helping me find a costume," I said.

Kris groans. She hates shopping and I'm forcing her to shop.

After finishing my cup of coffee, I got dressed, then went looking for a job. Sure I had the money Satan paid me, but it will not last forever. I spent all day looking for a job.

Every place I inquired at, told me the same thing, they're not hiring. Job hunting is tougher than I thought, but I'm a Red and determined to find a job.

In the next two weeks, I looked for a job. Every place told me they aren't hiring or heard things about me. I didn't understand what anyone meant, considering I'm delightful. Some places inquired why I left my last job and I didn't answer the interviewer. That ended the job interview quickly.

I can't tell people that I quit and the reason behind it. People will look at me strangely and they already do that. Soon I will find a damn job even if I wear out my best shoes.

Kris and I went costume shopping. I scoured the racks for a costume so that I can play dress up for the night. Who doesn't enjoy wearing a tight ass outfit to a party full of strangers? I didn't know Kris's boyfriend, so this will be fun.

Kris and I looked for a costume until we found one. We decided to dress up in a fairytale theme since Kris's boyfriend is doing the same thing. Why do I have a feeling this is a setup they're planning?

Call it a woman's intuition, but I had a feeling Kris and her boy toy are plotting and planning something for me. Eh, what's the worse that can happen?

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