Chapter 14

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"GOOD MORNING BEBE!" Jaden pounced on me.
"Not again!" I run my eyes and sit up.
I tug at the IV.
"You can take it off now." He laughed.
I snatch it off.
"OW!" I rub my arm.
"Now come on let's go." Jaden picked me up.
He set me down on the ground, and handed me his hoodie.
"Wear my hoodie, I also packed up everything for you." He pointed to my suitcase.
"Aw, thank you." I kiss his cheek.
"So nobody wanted to pack my suitcase or give me their hoodie." Noen frowned.
I laugh and toss him a hoodie.
"Hehe. Thank you." He said putting it on.
"And you can pack your own suitcase." I say putting on Jadens hoodie.
"Wait, I also!" Jaden said grabbing a bag from the table.
"I got you chick fil a." He handed it to me.
I smiled.
"Now we have to get to the airport!!" He took his suitcase and set it at the door.
"Hurry up Noen!" He yelled.
"I'm coming I'm coming." He said putting some things into his suitcase.
"What time is it?" I ask Jaden.
"Damn." I rub my eyes again.
"Sorry bebe." He frowns.
I smile.
"Okay I'm done." Noen says putting his suitcase at the door.
"We have to see if the others are awake." I say.
Jaden nods as we walk out the door.
I bust the door open.
"Fuck off." Chase said.
I hit him with a pillow.
"OW YOU WHORE!" He yelled at me.
I pretend to cry.
"What's wrong bebe?" Jaden came over to me.
"C-Chase called me a whore.." I cried in his shirt.
"CHASE WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" Jaden yelled at him.
"But I-" Jaden interrupted him.
"Say sorry now."
Chase rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry Lexie."
I started to cry more.
"He didn't mean it!" I cried.
"It's okay bebe, he didn't mean it." He kissed my cheek.
"Why you gotta be so rude Chase?" Anthony came out the bathroom.
"It's okay, Chase is just a bitch."
Anthony patted my head.
"Thanks Ant."
"Okay guys we have to get going." Jaden said putting his arm around me.
"Wait, that means we will have to say goodbye..." I look at everybody.
"The only people who are coming to L.A. is me, you, Anthony, Griffin, and Chase. Payton has to go to North Carolina, and Avani has to go somewhere I don't know where, and Noen is going to his parents." explains.
Avani and Payton come up to hug me.
"I'll miss you Lexie." Payton said.
"I'll miss you too."
"Promise we will see each other again?" Avani asked.
"Promise." I smile.
She took off a necklace and gave it to me.
"This is so you'll never forget me."
"I will never forget you." Tears started to roll down my face.
I hug her again.
Noen was sitting on the bed looking down.
I run up to him and give him a big hug.
"I'll miss you so much Noen."
"I will too.." he frowns.
"We'll play Minecraft everyday." I smile.
"Deal." He laughed.
"Oh I bought this for you!" It was a little minion.
"You got me another minion!" He hugged it.
"Thank you!" He hugged me again.
I laugh.
"Your welcome."
Everything started to get really emotional, after saying our goodbyes, everybody was crying.
"I love you guys so much." I say hugging Avani Payton and Noen before we leave.
"Have a safe flight!" Noen said to me.
I waved goodbye and walked out the door.
I started to cry even more, I walked in front of everybody.
"You okay bebe?"
I shake my head.
"I don't wanna leave Jaden.." I wipe my tears away.
"You'll see them soon.." He rapped just arms around me.

We walked into the Uber to go to the airport.
I lay my head on Jadens shoulder and listen to music.
"Don't go to sleep bebe." Jaden laughed.
I pouted. "Why not?"
"Because we're not going to the airport." He smiled.
"Wait what?"
"My other friends Taylor and Bryce are gonna pick us up." He told me.
I smile.
"Oh, great!" I say putting my music back on.
"I love you so much.." Jaden says under his breath.
But I feel asleep just before he said it.

"Wake up princess."
"Aww he called her Princess."
"Shut up Tayler."
I slowly open my eyes.
"Hi." Jaden smiled.
He took my hand and helped me out the car.
"Wait where are we.." I start to wobble around because I'm still super tired, I fall into Jadens arms.
"Is she okay?" A voice says.
"She's tired." Jaden said picking me up.
"Omg their so cute." Another voice said.
"I know right." I hear Anthony say.
"Jaden?" I close my eyes.
"I wanna go back to sleep.." I say snuggling into his chest.
"You can go back to sleep." He smiled.
"Oh so your not gonna introduce us to your princess?" Somebody laughed.
"Don't be a bitch, I already have one and that's Chase, I don't need 2 more." I say.
I rub my eyes so I can see.
I'm in Jadens arms.
He set me down.
"Lexie this is Tayler and Bryce." He pointed to them both.
Tayler waved and smiled.
"Hi!" He said.
"Hi." I smile.
"How long have you guys been dating?" Bryce asked me.
"A couple months." I laugh.
"Aww." Tayler says.
"Wait where are we?" I look around.
"We're..home." Jaden says.
He nodded.
"Is this the place?" I asked.
"It is." He said.
I jump up and down.
"Wow it's beautiful."
"Come back!" A voice yells.
Out of nowhere a big fluffy dog comes running up to me.
I gasp.
"DOG!" I go to my knees to pet her.
She's so fluffy.
"I'm sorry." A girl said.
"I'm Mads, short for Madison."
"I'm Lexie." I smile.
I keep petting the dog, she licks my face.
I laugh.
"Alright let's go inside." Jaden says.
He grabbed my hand and led me inside.
My jaw drops.
"Welcome." He says.
I smile so big.
"Where do I put my things?" I ask.
"Follow me." Jaden smiles.
He leads me to a room.
"This is where you and me will stay."
I look around, there is a big balcony.
I open the doors and look outside.
"The view is.."
"Beautiful? I know." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.
Griffin yells.
We both jump.
"God damn Griffin." Jaden says.
"Everybody's questioning you guys, well not everybody, just Mads." Griffin said.
Jaden looked at me, and I look at him, then we both looked at Griffin.
"Why her?"
Jaden says taking my hand and heading downstairs.
"Are they dating?" I hear somebody say.
"No they can't, you know I like Jaden she can't be here!"
"Who can't be here?" Jaden says.
"I need to ask you something Jaden." Mads says getting up.
Jaden squeezes my hand.
I look over at Anthony.
"It's okay." He mouths to me.
I smile.
"Jaden, I like you."
I cover my mouth.
"Hell no." Chase says.
Griffin nudges him hard.
She snatched my hand out of Jadens and replaced it with hers.
Jaden stepped back.
"Don't do that." He said taking my hand again.
"Wait what?" I say stepping in front of her.
Jaden puts his hands on my shoulders.
She scoffed.
"Why do you care." She shoved me out the way, knocking me down.
I hit my head on the wood flooring.
"Lexie!" Jaden came up to me, he shook my a little.
"You have to go, now."
Anthony said coming to Mads.
"I don't have to listen to you." She shoved him out the way and came over to me.
She put her hand on Jadens face for him to look at her.
"Don't touch me." He flinched and came back over to me.
Tayler picked me up and placed me on the couch.
Griffin, Chase, and Anthony stayed over there with me.
"But Jaden forget about her." She crossed her arms.
"Anthony whats happening?" I ask him.
"It's okay, just lay down." He told me.
"Listen to me, you can hurt anybody on this earth, but not her." Jaden pointed to me.
"But who cares about her? She's literally nobody like nobody likes her. Just drop her." She rolled her eyes.
"You've completely lost it." I say getting up.
"Lexie what are you doing?" Chase grabbed my hand.
I flinched.
I walked over to her, I slapped her in the face.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled.
She got really close to my face.
"I suggest you back up." I say shoving her.
"I do what I want bitch."
"You can't just hit somebody or be mad at them because somebody doesn't like you! Jaden doesn't feel the same way, because he's with me. So deal with it. Because you don't wanna mess with me."
She looked at me up and down.
"You need to leave." She grabbed my rist and headed to the door. (Guys idk what I'm doing what the hell-)
"Get off me!" I tried to pull away.
Jaden runs over and pulls her hand away from me.
"She needs to leave! She doesn't belong here." She said trying to take me again.
"I think your the one who doesn't belong here." Jaden said.
She rolled her eyes and walked outside.
I slammed the door and locked it.

I slowly fall to the ground.
The voice echoed.
"Somebody get ice!"
"Wake up!"
"Call 911."

Jadens POV
"Call 911." I say.
"On it." Tayler said grabbing his phone.
"Anthony Chase keep a eye on her, Bryce you have the ice and Griffin get your medical things, I'm gonna go talk to Mads." I say opening the door.
I look around, then I see her sitting on a bench.
I sit down next to her.
"Hm, I don't wanna y'all to you either. But just to clarify, the person I love the most is hurting right now because of you, because of the stupid shit you did." I start to raise my voice.
"Who cares? Why are you even with her anyway! She's a nobody, she has no fans or fame, or MONEY! She's not the one for you." She put her hand on my shoulder.
"I said don't touch me." I say pulling her arm
"I don't care if she doesn't have fans or fame or money. Lexie's smart, and talented, and beautiful. She'll always be better than you'll ever be." I stand up from the bench.
"Wait Jaden!"
I stay silent.
I open the door and slam it.
Everybody turns and stares at me.
"What?" I ask.
They don't say anything.
"Are you okay Jaden?"
Griffin asked me.
I scoffed.
"No, I'm not." I walk over to Lexie.
"A ambulance is on the way." Tayler says.
"Why did I let Mads hurt her!" I cover my face so they don't see me cry.
"It's not your fault."
I look down.
Lexie smiles.
"Guys.." I call the boys over.
"what happened?" Bryce asks.
"She's smiling." I say.
"Wait what?" Chase walks over.
"Is she dreaming?" I ask.
"Well if she's smiling she's probably dreaming, because at the moment there's really nothing to smile about.." Griffin said.
"Hm.." I thought to myself.
"I love you Jaden."
"Wait is she.."
"She's talking whiling she's sleeping, she's thinking about you." Griffin says.
I stroke her hair.
"I love you too."

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