Chapter 25

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Time skip.. still Jadens POV

We arrive at Pets Smart..
"Come on Jaden!" Lexie yelled, rushing out the car.
"Wait hold up slow down!" I yelled, following her.
She waited do the sidewalk for me.
"Your too slow." She whined.
I shut the door.
"Sorry." I say.
She smiles.
"Can we go inside now?!" Noen asked.
"Just walk inside." Tayler said.
I laughed.
We walk inside, Lexie already runs to a isle.
"Oh god we're gonna lose her in pets smart." I say, looking around.
"Jaden!" She called.
I run over to her, in the isle, there are collars, and leashes, and toys.
"Jaden look at this one!" She yelled.
I walk over to her, she holds a bright blue collar, she smiled.
"Don't you wanna have a collie with her name in it?" I ask her.
She puts the collar down, and looks up at me.
"Hell yeah!" She yelled.
I chuckle.
"What do you wanna name her?" I ask.
She thinks for a moment.
"Jamie." She said.
"Cute." I say.
"Wait what exactly do we need?" I ask her.
"Food, treats, a bed, toys, collar, leash, crate, a food bowl and water bowl, a-"
"woah woah woah." I say with a laugh.
"Got it." I say.
"I wanna get her today.." she whined.
I smiled.
"What?" She asked.
"Your cute when your mad." I say.
She looked down.
"I want to see the puppy now.." she whined.
She made puppy dog eyes.
"You won't fool me this time.." I say.
She didn't stop.
"Fuck.." I mumble.
"Lexie look at this!" Noen yelled,
"Shh I'm trying to make Jaden say yes, it works every time." She said, not taking her eyes off me.
"Jaden don't do it!" Tayler yelled.
"Pretty please?" She begged.
"Please?" She said again.
"Okay fine.." I said, kissing her cheek.
She smiled, and started to jump up and down.
"Thank you Jaden!" She yelled, hugging me tightly.
"Call the owner." I say.
She quickly pulled out her phone I dialed the number.
"Hello?" She one says.
"Hi, I'm calling back to see if we are willing to get the dog today?" Lexie asks, with a big smile on her face.
"Oh of course, I will give you my address." She said.
"Okay, thank you so much! We'll be there soon." She says, hanging up the phone.
She looks up at me.
"What happened?" I asked her.
She jumped into my arms, and hugged me tightly.
"We have to hurry now." She says.
I set her down on the floor.
"Okay c'mon." I say.
"Do you want a collar with her name on it?" I ask.
She nods.
"Okay." I say.

Then skip after getting all the shit for a dog.

"Cmon boys!" Lexie yelled.
"We had to carry everything?" I complained.
Lexie stopped walking.
"Jaden your gonna piss her off." Tayler said.
She turned around, and looked at me.
"Oh shit." I say.
Noen and Tayler started to laugh.
She grabbed something from my hands, and started walking again.
I sighed in relief.
"Are you mad baby?" I ask her.
She didn't say anything.
I frown, but what would she be mad at?
"Tayler, you drive I'm gonna have to talk to somebody." I say, handing him the keys.
"Got it." He responded, putting something into the car.
Lexie quickly climbed to the back of the car, I followed her.
She sat there next to me, with her arms crossed.
"Baby are you mad at me? I didn't wanna make you upset." I whispered.
She didn't say anything.
"It's not you Jaden." She said, turning around.
"Then what's wrong? Tell me, please." I say to her, I grab her hand and hold it tightly.
"It's because of Madi and Avani." She whispered.
The thought of my own sister, being such a awful person to my girlfriend, makes my heart break.
"What the hell did they do." I said, Raising my voice a little.
She stayed silent, and squeezed my hand.
"Baby tell me.." I say.
"Jaden, I miss them." She says.
My eyes widened as I cleared my throat.
She frowned.
"I miss them a lot but, there's no way I can trust them after what they did to me." She said, as her eyes started to water.
"Hey, whatever they said means nothing. Don't listen to them.." I say, putting my hands on her cheeks.
She slowly nodded.
"Don't worry about them, you miss them I get that..but they don't deserve to be put back in your life." I say.
She smiles, and pecks me on the lips.
Tears roll down her face.
"And their not worth crying for." I say, wiping her tears with a thumb.
"I love you so much." I say.
"I love you too." She says.
She puts her head on my shoulder.
"Lexie can I have the address?" Tayler asked, getting in the car.
"I already sent it to you." She responded.
"Thank you." He says, starting the car.
"I'm so excited!!" Noen yelled.
"I am too! I've always wanted a pet of my own." She says, pulling out her phone.
I go on my phone and open Instagram, I point the camera to Lexie.
I zoom in on her.
She continues to scroll on her phone.
"Why are you so cute?" I say.
She looks up, I start to laugh.
"Stop lying to me." She says.
"I'm not lying your so fucking cute." I say.
"Stop flirting with each other." Noen said.
"But it's so cute.." Tayler said.
Lexie looked down and blushed.
I put the camera on her again.
"Lexie's blushing.." Noen teased.
"Shut up neon." She mumbled.
I laugh.
Lexie stared out the window.
"What you thinking about?" I ask her.
She turned to me and smiled.
"Just the thought I'm gonna have my first real pet." She said, staring back outside.
"Well if Tayler would've pulled out of the parking lot we would've been there all ready!" I yelled, looking at Tayler.
"Sorry guys I'm about to pull out." He says with a frown.

Time the owners house..cuz I'm lazy.

I look over at Lexie, she resting her head on my shoulder.
"Baby wake up." I whispered.
"Hm?" She mumbles.
"C'mon were here." I say.
She slowly sits up.
"Where?" She asks.
"We're here to pick up Jamie." I say.
Her eyes lit up.
"IM COMING JAMIE!" She yelled, climbing to the front of the car, and running to the door.
"Wait baby!" I yelled, running after her.
"Wait guys should I get the collar from the car?" Tayler asks.
"I don't care just grab it." Lexie said.
She turned and looked at me.
"Do I knock?" She asked me.
I laugh.
"Yes." I say.
She smiles, and knocks on the door.
The person who answers the door, gives us a dirty look.
My eyes widened.
"Oh hell no."

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