Chapter 4

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Bill P.O.V.

We watch as Beverly jumps up the cliff. "Sissies." She shouts as she falls. I know that her and (Y/n) are friends, and I did have a bit of a crush on her, so I invited her to come to the quarry with us. "Holy shit. What the fuck? We just got shown up by a girl. Now we have to do that?" Richie shouts. I nod, looking at the water below. If (Y/n) were here she would have jumped without hesitation.


"News flash, Ben, schools out for the summa." Richie says in a weird accent, pulling a book out of Ben's bag. "Oh, that's not for school." Ben replies. "Who sent you this?" Richie asks, pulling out a postcard. "No one!" Ben quickly takes the postcard and puts it back in his bag. "So what's with the history project?" Richie continues. "Well, when I first moved here, I didn't have anyone to hang out with, so I spent time at the library." Ben tells him. "You went to the library on purpose?" Richie asks. "I wanna see." Bev says, sitting next to me. While they talk about some racist cult, I notice Beverly cut here hair. "Y-y-y-y-your hair..." I start, but can't quite get out. "Your hair is beautiful, Beverly." Ben says, stealing my thunder. Thanks Ben. I mentally sigh.

"Anyways, I've got more stuff if you wanna see." Ben says, and like that we are off to Ben's house.


"Derry started as a beaver trapping camp." Ben starts. "Still is, am I right boys." Richie cuts in, holding his hand up for a high five. I can tell he misses (Y/n) by the downcast look he gives as he lowers his hand. "Ninety one people signed that charter and made Derry, but later that winter they all disappeared without a trace. There were some rumors of Indians, but no sign of attack. Some people think it was a plague. The only evidence was a trail of bloody clothes leading to a well-house." Ben reports his findings. "Where was the well-house?" I ask, thinking this might be the answer to finding Georgie. "Somewhere in town. Why?" Ben asks. "Nothing." I mumble. I'm going to find you, guys.

Third Person P.O.V.

Every joke, every prank, every goddamn thing meant to be humorous makes Richie think of (Y/n). He missed her so much. He can't believe like Bill that she is alive. She is probably in a ditch somewhere covered in bugs and decomposed. He doesn't want that for her. Eddie misses her laugh, her fearless, happy-go-lucky attitude, the sparkle in her eyes, the way she dances and sings at every song. He missed her so much that it physically hurt. He loved her. Stan missed the way she was filled with happiness and fun times. She was so admirable. Bill misses the way she radiated confidence, how she stuck-up for the little guy. He missed the girl he thought of as a sister. None of them want to believe she's gone.

(Y/n) P.O.V.! I limp as fast as I can. I'm exhausted. I haven't seen Pennywise today, so I'm anxious to get out of here before It finds me. Freedom! I push through the opening. Tears of relief flooding down my cheeks. I'm out. I'm alive! I'm alive! Ahaha I'm alive! I sob uncontrollably. I realize that I'm next to the quarry. Water! I drink the water, making sure not to drink too fast that I throw up. It's not the best tasting, but it's water. Relief floods my body, tears continue to fall. I'm so tired. My leg had been acting up, and I'm so tired. The sand is so warm. Relief and exhaustion makes me doze off in the sand.

Third Person P.O.V.

See Pennywise is smart. It knows that she is scared, but to truly have fear, she needs something to lose. So It lets her return to her friends because with people to lose, she will be more terrified then ever. Of course, Pennywise didn't know how badly that plan would backfire.

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