Chapter 15

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My Christmas gift to those waiting for an update!

Eddie P.O.V.

"And where do you think you're off to?" She asks. "Out with my friends." I reply sternly. "Honey you can't, you're still getting over you're sickness, remember?" "Sickness? What sickness mom? You know what these are?" I pull the pill bottles I picked up earlier from my fanny pack, remembering the only truthful Greta told me. "You know what these are? They're gazebos! Bullshit!" I throw them on the ground." My mother looks at the bottle, a look of anger on her face. "They help you, Eddie. I had to protect you." I'm angry now. "Protect me? By lying to me and keeping me locked up in this hellhole? I'm sorry, but the only people trying to protect me are my friends, and you made me turn my back on them when I really needed them." I tell her, determination in my voice.

Her face is red. "This is about that girl isn't it? That girl isn't good for you Eddie." She shouts. "Don't talk about her!" I snap. "You don't know what's good for me. I'm going." I walk out the door quickly, getting my bike, and heading to Neibolt with my mom shouting for me to come back. But I don't. I'm going to save you (Y/n).


I get there, the group packed together. I unclip my fanny pack, throwing it somewhere in the yard. "Guys, spikes." Bill tells us. Mike uses a gun from his farm, the others pick up various object the find around the yard. Richie smashes a beer bottle, but only gets a small piece of it left. I look at Bill. "When we save her, you better apologize to her." I tell him angrily. "I-I plan on it E-Eddie. That's w-why I was at her h-house. I'm s-sorry." "It Okay. I just want (Y/n) to be safe." He nods, and we start to walk into the house. "Stan?" Mike says. We all turn to see Stan lagging behind. "Stan, We have to stick together. Beverly was right." Bill starts. "If we split apart, that clown will kill us one by one, but if we stick together, all of us, we will win. I promise." Beverly reassures.

Stan doesn't say anything, just follows us inside. We go straight to the basement, finding the well. "Eddie, you have a quarter?" Richie asks. "Wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." I reply sharply. We find a rope, and tie it to use to climb down the well. Stan goes down, then Ben, then Beverly, Richie, me, and Bill. But before Mike comes down, we hear something happing up above. "Mike! Mike!" We all shout. But a horrid sight comes into view. Henry Bowers, face bloodied and psychotic. "Baaaa, baaaaa." He says, then pull up the rope. "Mike, Mike! Grab the rope!" We all miss and watch in horror as the rope disappears. We hear more noises, but then Henry falls down the well. Damn.... "You Okay, Mike?" Beverly asks. "Yeah." He shouts back. We all sigh in relief. That is until Richie says, "Where's Stan?"

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