Chapter 12

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🎶Don't stop me nowwwww, 'cause I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball! Don't stop me nowwwww!🎶

Three chapters! One day! No one can stop me! They are probably really sucky, but I'm on a writing roll!

(Y/n) P.O.V.

We all drop our bikes. "Bill!" "You can't go in there." "This is crazy." Bill turns to look at us. "Look, you don't have to come in here with me. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing. Or Betty, or Ed Corcoran, or one of us! Hell, one of us already has." Bill says pointing to me. "Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I can see is that Georgie isn't there. His toys, his clothes, his stupid stuffed animals, but he isn't. So walking into this house, for me, is easier then walking into my own." Bill finishes. "He didn't stutter once." I say. The first thing I've said since the garage. Everyone is kinda shocked by this realization.

We all see start to follow Bill into the house. "Wait! Shouldn't we have some people keep watch in case something bad happens?" Stan points out. "Wh-Wh-Who wants to stay out here?" Everyone raises they're hands besides Beverly. Except Beverly puts my arm down. I huff but don't raise it again. She pats my head a little with a smile. "Let's draw straws." I say glumly.


Bill, Richie, Eddie, and I walk into the creepy ass house. "I can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky we aren't measuring dicks." Richie says. I chuckle. "Sure we are. But even Bev and I would have beat you." I retort. "Girls don't have dicks." He says. "I know." He glares at me, and I smirk. I wish this was under better circumstances. We walk further into the house. Richie walks over to some cobwebs, pulling out a piece of paper. "It says I'm missing!" Richie freaks. "Y-y-you're not missing, Richie." Bill says, failing to calm the panicking boy. "Then why's it say that here. That's my shirt, that my hair, that's my face, that's my name, that's my age!" He rants on. I snatch the paper away, tearing it. "It's not real, Richie. This clown ass bitch is a fake fucker. Don't give in to It's games." I tell him.

He nods, though still looking frightened. "Hello?" A feminine voice says. My head snaps towards the stairs. "Help me please." I start to walk up the stairs, the boys following. We see a girl laying on her stomach in the room at the far end. "Betty Ripsom?" Eddie asks. She turns to us before getting pulled into the room again. She screams. We cautiously walk towards the door, but Eddie and I turn our heads when we hear a noise at the other end of the hall. "You guys here that?" Eddie asks. We turn back towards them, but the door slams as the enter the other room. "Guys!" We rush the door, trying to open it. "Time to take your pills, Eddie." A raspy voice says. We slowly turn around to see the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. We scream, running past the leper.

While running, Eddie falls through the creaky floor, own to the next floor. "Eddie!" I shout. I look down to find the hole is gone, and in place of it is a missing poster. A missing poster not for Georgie, or Betty, or Ed, or even me, but for Eddie. "No!" I scream. "You dumbass clown bitch." I sob. "I'm gonna kill you!" I shout. I run downstairs to the spot where Eddie fell, trying to make sure It didn't have Eddie as a I feared. I'm relieved to see Eddie, but horrified to see Pennywise standing over him, teasing as though It was going to take an arm off.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" It's massive head turns to look at me, eyes filled with hatred. "I have made you afraid. I can kill you now." Bill hears this as he and Richie enter the room. "T-t-this isn't real." He says. "This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough?" I cry's those crocodile tears before talking sinisterly. "I was real enough for Georgie." It launches at us, but before It reaches us, a spear goes through Its head, blood floating upwards again. It's face become disfigured, but it doesn't die. No, massive claws spring from Its hand. It turns, slashing Ben in the process, before retreating. "Get Eddie!" Mike shouts as Bill tries to follow It. "Bill!" He walks away. I know that Pennywise was retreating, so I go to Eddie instead.

Eddie's arm is twisted and mangled. "I'm going to reset it." Richie says. "Don't you fucking touch me!" Eddie screams trying to get away. I distract him by kissing him full on the lips. He probably is going super germaphobe right now, or so I thought until he kisses back. It's so perfect and amazing, but ruined as Eddie screams in pain when Richie snaps his arm into place again. We lift Eddie, getting him out of the house, with everyone following.


"You did this. You know how delicate he is." Mrs. K shouts at us as she makes Edie get in the car. He gives me the saddest look, eyes filled with pain. I stare back, mouthing 'I'm sorry' Mrs. K must have seen because she pushes me back some way away. "Stay away from my son." She says threateningly. "We were attacked Mrs. K." Bill tries to reason. "Don't blame this on anyone else!" She reaches to get her keys from her purse, dropping them in the process. "Here let me-" Bev tries to help. "No! Stay back!" Mrs. K hisses. "Oh, I've heard of you Miss Marsh. I don't want a dirty girl like you around my Eddie." Now I'm pissed. No one talks to my best friend like that. "Don't talk to her like that. Those are rumors. Some adult you are, talking like that to kids who were clearly attacked. You're just a lonely piece of crap that thinks she is so high and mighty." She smack my cheek, stomping to her car. Eddie looks shocked at the exchange, but doesn't do anything. It almost makes me upset, but I have to understand that it's his mother.

"I saw the w-well." Bill says as we walk with our bikes after Eddie was gone. "W-w-we'll be better prepared next time." Everyone give him a shocked look. "No! No next time Bill." Stan shouts. "You're insane." Ben adds. "Why? We know nobody else is going to do anything about it." Bill retorts. "Eddie was nearly killed. And look at this motherfucker! He's leaking hamburger helper!" Richie shouts. I look at Ben's large gash from Pennywise. "We can't pretend it's going to go away. Ben, you said it yourself. It comes back every 27 years." Beverly argues. I start to panic, we can't fight. "Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here! I thought you said you wanted to get out of here too." Ben replies. "Because I wanted to run towards something, not away." She says back.

"I'm sorry but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie says, obviously not sorry. "Richie..." Mike starts. "I'm just saying, let's face facts. Real world. Georgie is dead, stop trying to get us killed too." Richie say. I gasp, seemingly just now getting noticed by my fighting friends. "G-G-Georgie is not dead. (Y/n)'s here, alive. He could still be there, right (Y/n)?" Bill looks at me for support. I look down. "(Y/n)?" I shift uncomfortably. "I-I don't know Bill. I barely survived a couple days. I don't think that Georgie could survive months. I never saw him besides when It was impersonating him. It's probable that Georgie is...dead." I say, tears spilling. Bill walks up to me.

"T-t-take it back. You're scared, we all are, but take it b-b-back." He tells me. I flinch at his harsh tone. "I can't take back the truth Bill." I say carefully. Bill glares at me for a few seconds before punching me in the face. I fall to the ground. "Bill, What the fuck!" I say angry and surprised. I start to stand to take a swing at him, but Bev comes between us. "Stop! This is what It wants. It wants to divide us. We were all together when we heard it, that's why we're still alive." She lectures. I know she's right, but the others aren't impressed. "I intend to keep it that way." Richie says as he walks to help bike, peddling away. Mike moves towards his bike too. "Mike?" He looks back at us. "My granddad was right. I'm an outsider, gotta stay that way.

Mike leaves too. Then Stan, then Ben. Bill gives me a hard glare. "D-D-Don't bother coming hoe tonight. Go bug you're own parents for a place to stay." He leaves on his bike too. Beverly pulls me into a hug as I cry. "Shh, it's okay." I shake my head, pulling away roughly. "It's not Bev. I'm poison. It came after me. I'm putting everyone in danger. The day I come back everyone falls apart. I'm a weapon, used to tear things apart. You should stay away from me before you become broken too." I say, running to my house.

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