Chapter 14

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Scary right 🔝

Third Person P.O.V.

Bill felt off. Like something was wrong. Little did he know, something was. You see, (Y/n) felt broken. And she was scared. More then she ever has been. Some of the losers kept in touch with other, like Bill and Beverly or Richie and Stan, but (Y/n) kept to herself. She stayed in her house, she ate and took her antibiotics as prescribed, but her leg was still weak since she didn't go out. Although it didn't help when her parents kicked that leg. Since her leg was so weak, she couldn't out run the demon coming after her.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

I sit on my bed. The closet door creaks open. I bolt for the door, but it's locked. I pound on the door. My parents will yell at me for being loud, but it's better then this. I stop once I remember they left the house. I hear sinister laughter. I look at It. Giant claws extend from Its fingers, ripping the gloves. "Stay away from me." I growl. "No." It lunges at me. I scream, jumping away from the door. It uses Its claws to scratch my leg open again. Shit. Blood seeps onto the floor. I crawl backwards as It inches towards me. "Poooooor (Y/n), all alone, sooooo afraid, no one to hear you." My back hits wall. It laughs again. It grabs my neck, and my vision goes black.

Third Person P.O.V.

Bill has to apologize. The guilt was eating him alive. (Y/n) is like his little sister. He already lost one sibling, he will not lose another. Walking up to the door, Bill hoped (Y/n) would open the door. Unfortunately, her mother did. She took out her cigarette, which Bill did not appreciate the smell of. "What do you want?" Annoyance laced her voice in every word. "I-is (Y/n) h-h-home?" He asks. The woman rolled her eyes. "That trash? Who knows. Might as well go check." It was ironic. Calling the girl trash when the woman before Bill looked like she headed out to meet up with her pimp. Bill quietly thanked her before headed to the stairs. (Y/n)'s bedroom door was slightly ajar. It was too silent.

"(Y-Y/n)?" He moved the door open. Hit with the smell and sight of blood, her rushed into the room to look for clues. "(Y/n)!" He looked up to see red words written on the ceiling. 'You'll die if you try' Bill's breathing picked up. He rushes out of the house, scolded by the hoebag for running in the house. The only thing he could think was, I need to save my sister.

Eddie P.O.V.

I use a red marker to write over the Loser Greta wrote to make it Lover. The phone rings, and I answer it. "Eddie? It's Bill?" I'm angry now. I've tried calling (Y/n) multiple times, but I never got an answer. She is shutting herself in because of the boy she called a brother. "What do you want?" I hiss. "It got her. It got (Y/n). We have to-" "I'll be right there. Neibolt?" "Yeah." I hang up. I love her, I have to save her. I start to rush out the house, but I'm stopped by my mom.

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