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To understand what I am about to tell you, you must believe in the impossible. You must also believe in life from other worlds. My story is a complicated one. It is one that you may find hard to believe, especially if you cannot believe in the impossible. 

So, if I am going to tell you my story, I better tell it right. Might as well start at the beginning; from birth. I was born into a relatively powerful family. They didn't want me though. At least I don't believe that they did. My mother maybe, but she was too young to put in her own opinion. My grandmother forced it upon herself to put me up for adoption. So, foster care I went. 

With my last name being an issue, I was never the first pick whenever couples came in looking for a child. I mean it's insane how prejudiced people can be just because of your last name. I really can't help that my last name is Luthor. It drives me nuts! Imagine somebody coming up to you and being all like "Hey I wanna adopt you what's your name?" Then you tell them and they flat out reject you. Like what do you expect me to do? It's been there for my whole life and it's not going anywhere. So, I just decided to stop trying to look all cute for adoption days when young couples come in and see all the kids looking their best with what little that they have. Besides, nobody has even really shown interest in me anyways. I mean this one couple did, but then they sent me back to the foster home because they decided that they wanted a baby. I just don't let it get to me anymore. Or at least I try not to. 

For now, I'm just hanging in there. When a family gets vaguely interested in one of the younger kids, I help them out. It makes me feel better that if they can get adopted from foster care, then they won't have to stay in this hell hole any longer. I'm the rock of this place. All the little kids look up to me and I make them feel safe whenever they come in. Most of them are just scared. A vast majority of the kids, their parents have died, or they got taken away from their homes because their parents screwed up with either substance abuse or they have physically abused them. It is just cruel. So, trying to help them, it is the least I can do. 

I've been in the system for my whole life. I'm only 15; a couple of years back I did get fostered for about a year though. I don't like to talk about it though. It was just a rough experience. Let's just say that this person came from a rough walk of life. They did teach me some valuable lessons though. I know how to fight; use guns, bows, swords, etc. Combat training from Talia al Ghul is just about all I received during my time with the league. She took me under her wing and gave me food, shelter, and the ability to fight. Within the league, they tell you to show no emotion. So, basically no love of a mother. At least I know how to fight now. I ended up escaping; decided that the life of an assassin was not the life that I wanted to lead. I mean come on, you cannot expect a 13-year-old to want to be an assassin! So, I came back to this place. 

Alright, there is one confession that I must make. I can do some pretty bitchin' things with a sword and a bow. If you were skilled would you want to hold back your talents? I go out almost every night whenever I get a crime alert on my phone. I try to help this small, run-down town as much as I can. I don't know if it's my mother's genes in me or what. I want to aspire to goodness in this little town and give them hope. Even with Supergirl and the other heroes in the city, they can't be everywhere all at once. There is still frequent crime in downtown National City. Unfortunately, the foster care home is placed right on the edge of downtown. 

 I always wonder if my mother has noticed me. I've seen her in newspaper articles and I am sure that she has seen me. Or, well, the secret me. The one that is in the shadows at night and helps people. She has done so many things with L-Corp, I just don't know why she would have given me up. I am amazed if I do say so myself. But, we will see on adoption day when it comes to that. It is tomorrow so let's hope that I get lucky! 

My name is Rosalind Luthor, I go by Luna though, and this is my story. 

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