Nerves and Comforts

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Vilkas read and reread the book that Sudia sent back when Lydia was pregnant. Then he went to ask his brother for advice.

"Most useful things for you are gonna be the tips for helping her with the pain, and what it calls the 'emotional map'," Farkas explained, flipping through the book. "It all really goes like it says, or at least it did for Lydia."

"Alright," Vilkas nodded as his brother handed him the book back.

He reread the book again, paying careful attention to Farkas's recommendations. They made their arrangements and plans with Danica, Fralia, and Tilma, mostly all according  to Lydia and Farkas's suggestions.

Vilkas could tell Farkas was enjoying the idea that there was something he knew better than Vilkas did, and he tried not to let it bother him.


It all happened so suddenly... nothing was like the book had prepared him for... their plans went out the window so fast Vilkas hardly had time to wrap his mind around what was happening. Instead of their room at Breezehome, they had to take Krinna to the temple; after her water broke she just started losing too much blood. Danica had to have two other healers standing by just to cast healing spells, and Vilkas felt utterly helpless. At first Krinna had just writhed and screamed in his arms, but now she was too weak to even cry out.

"You can do it, love," Vilkas encouraged.

"Krinna, you need to wake up and push!" Fralia instructed urgently.

"Come on love," Vilkas urged, shaking her shoulder gently. Her eyes fluttered and he felt her shift to try and push.

"You have to push harder Krinna!" Fralia told her. Krinna tried. For three more hours she tried. Then she collapsed back in his arms... she'd lost too much blood.

"Stay with me love," Vilkas pleaded.

"Her hips are too narrow, they're stuck," Danica said grimly.

"We're losing her," one of the other healers warned.

"No, Krinna, love, don't leave me!" Vilkas begged... everything around him began to feel numb as he watched Danica cast the detect life spell... and then grimace...

"We've lost them."

"No!" Vilkas cried, "no, Krinna! My love, no!"



"Vilkas!" was Krinna's voice, but she was lying lifeless in his arms...

"Vilkas, WAKE UP!"

...Vilkas opened his eyes to find himself still in his bed at their manor, with Krinna, still alive, still pregnant, sitting up beside him, trying to shake him awake. His pillow was damp with tears.

"Krinna," Vilkas gasped in relief as he sat up and pulled her into his arms.

"I'm right here, I'm ok, we're all ok," she said soothingly, putting her arms around him and rubbing his back. He just held her tightly for a few moments, burying his face into her hair, listening to her pulse and her breathing. Then he felt the twins begin to fidget and kick inside her large belly that was pressed against his side. He took another deep breath, letting it all sink in; they were still here, all three of them were ok. It had all just been a nightmare.

"Sorry love," he whispered, finally leaning back to look at her eyes in the dim light. Her gaze was simply full of love and concern.

"It's ok," she said quietly reaching up to gently wipe his face. Vilkas briefly tried to remember if he'd washed off his warpaint before bed... he was sure he looked like quite the mess... "Nightmare?" She asked gently.

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