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The sun was shining bright up in the sky just like any other summer day. The temperature was hot and you felt like you were practically melting while standing at the bus stop, waiting for your father to come to pick you up.

Usually, you would take the bus home even though at this rural place the busses don't come by so frequently but since today you had a lot of luggage with you, you had asked from your father to come to pick you up. You were coming home after a while of missing after all since you were studying in the capital. This was your first year of university and with it came many new things which at the beginning seemed too tough but you managed to get through them and adapted to living alone, paying rent and working part-time jobs as well as the non-existing stable schedule of sleeping and eating.

At the beginning, it seemed like a scary step to take however you were also happy that you had the chance to leave your town, which had grown to leave you with some bitter memories. That was one of the reasons you visited so rarely after you left however you couldn't deny coming for summer break as your family had asked of you since they had missed you. And so here you were, all packed and waiting to go home.

You looked at your right then at your left before you exhaled a breath, your patience already running out as you were waiting in that terrible heat for fifteen minutes now. Then you proceeded to look at your backpack for your bottle of water only to find out that you had already drunk it all. 

"Great! " You murmured in annoyance before putting the bottle back at its place and then grabbing your phone from your short's pocket to call your dad.

You waited for him to pick up, hoping that he hadn't forgotten that you were coming today or something but as the minutes passed and he didn't reply to your call, you grew more and more bothered, till the line cut off completely. You growled as you saw the time on your screen, reminding you that since you left one bus pass by, you had to wait at least forty more minutes for another one to come.

"Ah, I should have known. He never remembers shit anyways. " You ruffled your hair frustrated before you take a sit on the top of your luggage, debating withing you if you should wait for the bus or try walking till there by yourself. The only problem was the luggage that you had to carry otherwise it wouldn't have been the first time you walk all that distance by foot as when you were in high school you used to walk home all the time. The hot temperature however was also something that may become a big obstacle if you were to try and take that distance by foot and somehow you were already feeling exhausted just by sitting there.

"Maybe some acquainted may pass before the bus does and they will surely recognize me." You told yourself as that was a possibility. The backer used to go from your small town to the nearer city every morning for supplies so if you were to be lucky  -and he may have not passed yet- he could definitely give you a ride till town. However, ten minutes flew by and not even a fly had passed by in the road that fell in between two giant fields of wheat.

Your hopes had completely gotten lost at that point, having accepted that the bus was your only option so all you had to do was be a bit more patient and ignore the heat as well as the thirst that had gotten over you, making your thoughts all revolve around water. You were so concentrated on your little fantasies about fountains and pools full of water that you were late to hear the sound of a car approaching till it got so close to you that it practically startled you with its sudden stop before your feet. 

You looked at the vehicle surprised as you weren't expecting its existence but also you weren't expecting this kind of car to be roaming around a rural place like this. You stood up immediately expecting for whoever the driver was to roll down his window and probably ask you for directions as you assumed that they may have gotten lost, otherwise there was no logical explanation why a sports car would be around this area.

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