Chapter 2

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This chapter contains sexual assault, r*pe and violence. If these themes trigger you then I suggest you stop reading now.

"So I've got a favour to ask." Mae said as she swung her jacket on. "Oh yeah, what is it?" You raised your eyebrow.
"So in celebration of Thomas Wayne running for mayor my work is having a little get together party thing, so you wanna be my plus one?" Mae clasped her hands together in hopes of a positive reply. You laughed, "Absolutely not, no way! I'm not going to some fancy Wayne Enterprises party."
Mae frowned, "Oh c'mon why not? Please?" You shook your head, "No I don't even think I own a dress for a kind of party like that!"
Which was true, you had a couple dresses but nothing that would be appropriate for a fancy evening like this one. Mae was a receptionist at Wayne Enterprises and was used to going to elegant parties filled with rich, superior individuals and that did nothing but intimidate you but the look on Mae's face was very hard to say no to.
"You can borrow one of my dresses! Please I really don't want to go on my own and ya never know you might meet someone." She winked. You scoffed, "I don't want to meet anyone- I don't need anybody. Don't you have any one else to go with?"

You both went back and forth for awhile before you gave in, you knew fine well Mae was going to get her way with this but you thought it might be worth a try to fight back. Mae thanked you repeatedly before giving you a hug and heading home for the night. You gave your livingroom a quick tidy before heading into the bathroom, you stared at yourself in the mirror. Maybe it would be good to get out for a change, surely it can't be too hard to pretend you're an obnoxious rich bitch, could be fun. The more you looked at yourself the more flaws you spotted like the bags under your eyes. You rubbed your eyes, "That's enough looking at myself for tonight" You sighed and stepped away from your reflection. Laying in your bed you thought about Arthur again, you wondered if he was okay, if you would ever see him again, you hoped so.

It was the following evening and you were getting ready for the party, a hot steamy shower helped calm your anxiety. You stepped out the shower and threw on your comfortable night gown while you waited for Mae arriving with your outfit for the night. In the meantime you dried your hair and started your makeup, you weren't one to wear lots of it but you wanted to try fit in tonight, you went light and classy with the foundation and bold and smokey with your eyes. You definitely didn't look like you were going to your local bar tonight. You still felt nervous, uncomfortable almost so you did what you always do when you're anxious, drink. You headed to your kitchen and poured a vodka tonic to help calm the nerves raging inside of you. "Let's make it a double." You said to yourself, pouring extra vodka into the glass. After a few swigs Mae burst through your door and made her presence known, she was wearing a red flowy dress that still managed to compliment her curves and her blonde hair was beautifully curled. She looked like a princess compared to you, "Wow you look great." You said, feeling rather speechless. Mae chuckled, "Oh please I did this in like twenty minutes." She proceeded to take a dress out of a dry cleaning bag, "This is your outfit for tonight! It's so cute it's a little black dress, they are so popular right now, you're going to look amazing!" She squealed in excitement. You took the dress from her and proceeded to get changed in your bedroom and she was right, you didn't look half bad. You grabbed a black bag to match and made sure to finish your drink before you both caught a cab to Wayne Manor.

The sight of the mansion shocked you, it was gorgeous and so much bigger than you could have imagined. Inside was even better, the party was being held in what could only be described as a ball room, it was like a movie, crystal chandelier, waiters giving out cocktails and just beautiful people talking to beautiful people. You felt a wave of dread wash over you, you didn't fit in here and these people knew it. You felt as if you had a sign around your neck that read "poor piece of shit". The way some of these people were looking at you confirmed it, no amount of makeup or fancy dresses can cover up the truth.
Mae nudged your arm, "Just relax okay? It's not as scary as it seems." she gave you a reassuring smile. You wished that was true. Mae grabbed a drink for you from a passing by waiter and you couldnt have drank it quicker, that was the only way you were going to unwind tonight. Soon after Mae decided to go mingle with some co workers, leaving you to fend for yourself so you decided to head over to the drinks table where you picked yourself up a cocktail, you remembered your walkman was in your purse so at least if things got too overwhelming you could head outside and listen to some music. You began to feel the affects of the alcohol after a few more drinks and felt slightly more comfortable than what you once did, you felt a tap on your shoulder so you turned around hoping to see Mae but it wasn't, it was a man, he was wearing a black suit and had dirty blonde hair, he was quite handsome, he smiled at you, "Hi there, my name is Michael." He shook your hand, his grip was gentle yet sturdy, he was confident in what he was doing. "Uh hello, my name is (Y/N)"

You spent the majority of the evening talking with Michael, he worked for Wayne Enterprises and seemed rather young to be a business man but was good company, you admitted to him you worked in a supermarket and didn't feel judged by him at all he was merely making conversation with you. After a few too many drinks you began to feel slightly light headed. "I've had a nice time tonight but I think it's time for me to head home." You said whilst walking towards the exit, you tried to catch a glimpse of Mae before leaving but couldn't spot her, you wouldn't want her night to end anyway, Michael followed you whilst talking, "Oh of course, mind if I walk out with you?" You nodded and smiled. You made your way outside and exited the gates of Wayne Manor, "I'm fine here I can make my own way, I'm sure there's a phone box down the way a little, I'll call myself a cab." Michael persisted, "I'll walk you there."
You began to feel uneasy, why wasn't he just letting you go alone, "Really I'm fine, thank you though. I just like being by myself sometimes." You smiled
Michaels tone changed as he scoffed and rolled his eyes, "I'm being nice to you, what's wrong with you?" This change shocked you as you began to stutter, "What? I- I know I would just like to be alone please?" you started to back away from him. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him, "Cmon you don't expect me to believe the sleazy supermarket worker is a prude do you?" You couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth and all you could do was struggle to get away, you were unable to escape his grip. As soon as you began to scream he cupped your mouth and your voice could no longer be heard. Your heart was bouncing out of your chest as he threw you down onto the hard ground. His weight on top of you would haunt you forever. You couldnt scream, no words or noises escaped your lips.

It was over, you reached for your bag that had been dropped on the floor, the contents inside were scattered everywhere. "Well well what's this?" The monster spoke as he picked up your Walkman, "Always wanted one of these, I'll take this as a thank you." His evil smile made your skin crawl. He walked back towards the mansion and left you on the ground. It took you forever to get up but once you did you ran, ran as fast as you possibly could, making your way to the phone box and called a cab.

Before you knew it you were being dropped off a few blocks away from your apartment, you barely remembered getting in the cab, you paid the fare and got out and headed towards the pharmacy, you needed pain killers for your head. Upon entering the pharmacy you grabbed your medicine and headed towards the counter. To your very surprise you met a familiar face on the way there, "(Y/N)?"
"Arthur?" You spoke, "Hello" He smiled at you. "It's nice to uh bump into you again."
You tried to act normal, "Aha yeah I was just here to pick up some things." You said.
Arthur nodded, "Me too I get my medication from here."

You thought about how much of a coincidence it was to meet Arthur again, tonight of all nights. Perhaps this was meant to happen, you stuttered before blurting out a sentence that surprised you, "Would you like to go get a drink?"
Arthur seems surprised at your question but replied quickly, "Of course I would, that would be nice."

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