Chapter 4

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The atmosphere changed slightly when you asked your question as if Arthur knew you were going to say something important, "Of course you can." Arthur said whilst giving you his full attention. You felt a lump in your throat and found it difficult to form your words, you almost immidiately regretted bringing this up and now you were afraid you were going to ruin a lovely night. You went back in forth in your mind about the right words to say, it was probably best to just speak and not think about it. You gulped before talking, "Remember when I told you about the guy that stole my Walkman?"
Arthur nodded, "Yeah the mugger?"
You clasped your hands together and pondered for a moment, "Yeah, well I wasn't completely truthful about everything."
Arthur listened intently as he learned there was more to the story, he was really listening to you.
"He hurt me, badly. I couldn't stop it he was... stronger than me." You began to tear up, "And then it was like I couldn't speak, I couldn't scream or do anything."
Arthur's eyes widened and he became stiff, you couldn't look at him. Arthur began to stutter, "(Y/N) I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry that happened to you."
You managed to look at him after hearing what he said, "You believe me?"
Arthur took hold of your hands, "Of course I do, I'm so sorry. Have you went to the police?"
You felt a weight lift off of your shoulders, he really was someone you could trust. "No, there's no point. They wouldn't believe me. This guy was high up, rich. I'm just a nobody. No one would bat an eye at someone like me." You lowered your head in shame.
Arthur's grip on your hands became tight, he found your words difficult to hear. "I understand if you don't want to go to the police. But you can- can talk to me anytime. I'll always be here for you." He smiled, looking straight into your eyes. You couldn't help but just stare at him, it felt like magnets were pulling you both closer together as the gap between you both quickly filled, inches away from each others lips. Your heart began to beat as you closed your eyes. Before you could feel his lips Arthur began to laugh. You pulled yourself away quickly as he endured one of his fits. He must have become too overwhelmed with the situation, "I'm s-sorry." he said between gasps of breath. You leaned over and held him in your arms while he got over his episode and for a moment you both embraced eachother and it was the most relaxed you had been in a long time, it was like Arthur knew you completely, inside and out. You would never have guessed to find what felt like home in him. You felt like you could fall in love with him.

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