Chapter 6

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He held you down and grabbed your wrists so you couldn't move, your lungs pressed for air as you struggled and struggled. You couldn't scream, you didn't have a voice, a monstrous growl escaped his lips as his weight began to crush you. Before he could crush every bone in your body BANG went a loud noise. It rung through your ears as you felt lighter, the heavy weight was gone and you could breath, you looked up and stood before you was a clown, he had just shot the monster attacking you. He saved you. You almost thanked him until he raised the gun, he pointed it at you and pulled the trigger.

You screamed as your jolted upwards from your bed in a cold sweat, you gripped the sheets as you switched on your bedside lamp. "Fucking nightmare." you said through deep breaths. You had been having a lot of bad dreams about that night, it maybe started differently but always ended the same with a clown murdering you. You put this down to what the news had been saying about the murders, it sounded crazy but with all the riots it sparked it had become something political. You wiped the sweat from your forehead and tried to get sw more sleep. You kept the light on.


You found yourself flicking through the tv channels, but you couldn't escape the news about the murders. You already couldn't get this assholes face out of your mind and now his face is plastered all over the papers and TV and all of this 'angel taken too soon bullshit' made your blood boil. There was footage of a riot that happened, you had to admit they looked enticing. All these people fighting for something better, a change from all these rich pricks. You wanted to join. Just then your phone rang, you quickly answered hoping it was Arthur and it was, "Arthur where have you been? I've been trying to call you for a couple of days- some stuff has happened and I needed you." You spoke truthfully. You heard Arthur sigh through the phone, "I'm sorry (Y/N) I've just been busy and I've been working on a few things, I was actually calling to invite you to my show tonight."
"Show? You're on tonight?" You asked.
"Yes, I've been taking some time to make sure everything goes perfect and we can get a coffee after it too"
You couldn't stay too upset at him, he sounded so excited about this it made your heart melt. "Okay what time?" you smiled.

6 pm rolled around and you made your way into pogos comedy club, the room was dark but the lights above the stage were blinding, you were slightly embarrassed as you arrived halfway through someone's act so you quickly found a table near the back and turned on your table lamp. You lit up a cigarette and listened to the comedians act, his jokes were quite poor in your opinion, you threw in a couple of fake sniggers to make sure you didn't paint yourself as rude, you were only here for Arthur though. Finally Arthur was introduced onto the stage, he came out wearing a white button up shirt and a red waist coat followed by matching coloured dress pants, you got butterflies just at the sight of him. Arthur began to laugh and snigger, you tensed up as he struggled to speak.
"I hated school when I was a kid-"
People were laughing, at him. He sputtered this sentence a couple times before actually getting it right, "my mother said you should enjoy it one day you'll have to work for a living. No I won't ma, I'm going to be a comedian!"
Arthur managed to get ahold of himself as he flipped through his journal, he was able to crack out a couple of jokes and a few people actually began to laugh, you were relieved as you laughed along and clapped after every joke. You couldn't have been more proud of him for doing this. After his time was up you stood up and clapped as he walked off stage.
You met Arthur outside of the club, you squealed and ran to him and hugged him, "That was amazing!"
Arthur let go of you and smiled, "Really?"
"Yes! You were so confident and funny! I could not have done that." You took his hand as you both walked off, "Thank you very much" Arthur smiled bashfully.
You both walked off through the streets of Gotham, taking about anything and everything, just as you were about to cross the street you realised Arthur had stopped a little behind you, he was staring at a news paper.
You rolled your eyes, "Can you believe this shit." You paused before talking, "I think the guy that did it is a hero, three less pricks in Gotham city and only a million more to go." You said as you walked off.
You both made your way into a little place for a bite to eat.
"Did you mean that?" Arthur asked.
You sipped your coffee, "Mean what?"
"When you said the guy that did it was a hero."
You looked down at the table, "I... I guess. I've been wanting to speak to you about that, the murders."
Arthur stuttered, "What about them?"
"It's so crazy but I'm being serious, one of the guys that got killed was the guy that.. attacked me." You looked up at Arthur.
"Really? Wow..." You could tell Arthur didn't quite know what to say, "How do you feel about that?" He asked
You shrugged your shoulders, "I don't know, on one hand I'm concerned there's a murderer on the loose but on the other I'm happy because... now I know that guy can't hurt anyone ever again."
Arthur took your hands from across the table and squeezed them, "I'll always be here for you, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ever again."
You smiled, you were adamant you could take care of yourself but the sentiment was sweet, "Thank you." You smiled.
You took your hands away before talking once more, "Crazy about the guy being a clown huh?" You said.
"Yeah I know, pretty bad rep for my work." Arthur laughed.

You didn't even want to imagine that Arthur would do something like this, it was a coincidence anyways. You were positive.

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