Chapter 3

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"Delilah," Joe greeted his girlfriend, trying to muster up enthusiasm, but knowing he had failed miserably. He caught Dianne's smirk out of the corner of his eye as Delilah launched herself onto him, wrapping her arms and legs around him tightly. With only one arm to support her, Joe let her slide down his body, fighting the urge to roll his eyes.

"Joseph Sugg! Hug me!" his girlfriend demanded, her voice impossibly shrill.

"I can't," Joe let out an exasperated sigh, yanking his arm forward to show her the handcuffs, feeling a little joy at watching Dianne' take a turn stumbling forward.

"What the fuck," Delilah frowned. "Why are you attached whoever that is..."

Joe felt a flare of anger course through his veins at Delilah's rude tone.

"This is Dianne," he sighed again, trying not to give Dianne the satisfaction of defending her. He had sworn he had felt a little bit of a truce forming between them just a few minutes ago, but she was still Dianne. Still annoying.

"Okay," Delilah snorted, "Why are you handcuffed to her?"

Joe shrugged, "It's a long story. We're going to get them off. Anyway...what are you doing here? I thought you were coming later tonight?"

Delilah smiled, batting her eyelashes, "My shoot ended even earlier than expected. I thought I'd surprise you."

"Great," Joe smiled weakly, suddenly very aware of the smirk on Dianne's lips in his peripheral vision.

"Oi, let's go," Caspar shouted about fifty yards away, standing with Amy and Oti who had their arms crossed. "Oh...hey Delilah."

Delilah rolled her eyes, wiggling her fingers toward him before linking them with Joe's free hand and whining, "Baby, let's go."

"Go where?" Joe asked, walking forward and resisting the urge to grab Dianne's hand again as she stumbled slightly.

"Anywhere!" Delilah simpered, "It's Glasto! Let's get drunk."

"I think your boyfriend's already gotten there," Dianne mumbled under her breath, and Joe resisted the urge to laugh.

"Okay," he finally shrugged, unsure of how to turn down the invitation when Delilah was practically clinging to him. "But first we have to get these cuffs off."

"Dianne, is it?" Delilah peered over Joe's shoulder as they set off toward the artists tents, her eyes slowly scanning the redhead and taking in her appearance. He watched as Dianne nodded, grunting in affirmation. For a split second, Joe found himself wondering if Delilah felt threatened - Dianne was quite beautiful - though in a different, somewhat less-conventional way. Joe found himself mulling over the best way to describe Dianne's eyes...were they chocolate brown? No, they were more like honey, tinged with amazing gold flecks...

"What do you do?" Delilah asked, interrupting Joe's dangerous thoughts, her voice not even disguising her lack of interest.

"In a band," Dianne grunted back. "Drummer."

"You're a drummer?" Joe asked in surprise. "You didn't tell me that."

"I haven't told you anything about myself," Dianne shot back, unconsciously pulling on the cuffs.

"A drummer?" Delilah asked. "That's...nice?"

Dianne snorted, and Joe had to look away to not laugh at the juxtaposition of the two women on either side of him. He had begun to think Dianne was the iciest person he'd ever met, but when compared to Delilah she seemed warmer than the sun.

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