Chapter 19

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Dianne bounced her leg up and down, watching as Mac methodically, and slowly, moved the golf cart forward through the crowds of people, never fully pressing down on the gas. She was dying to yell at him to hurry up, but bit her tongue, trying not to irritate the man who was now her last lifeline to find Joe. She thought back to the words she'd exchanged just minutes ago...


"Hello Mac," Dianne had begun, her greeting causing the old security guard to widen his eyes in surprise and sit up, taking a break from eating the massive soft pretzel in his hands.

"Do you remember me?" Dianne pressed, leaning casually up against the golf cart, as Amy and Oti watched on.

" look...familiar?" Mac lied, studying her closely.

"Perhaps I should change my question," Dianne continued, dangling the pair of handcuffs in front of his eyes, "Do you remember these?"

Mac's eyes lit up, recognition gleaming as he reached out for the cuffs. Dianne snatched them back, "Tsk tsk, Mac. I'm not here to return them. At least not yet. I'm here for a favor...which, not going to lie, you fucking owe me. Big time."

Mac tilted his head, continuing to study her, "Ah yes. I remember you now. The red hair...feisty...lover of curse words. I cuffed you to that thin boy with the floppy hair. Your boyfriend."

Dianne stifled a sigh, "Not my boyfriend."

"I never cuff couples that aren't in love," Mac insisted, stroking his chin. "Maybe you weren't aware yet, but the love was there."

Dianne ignored Oti and Amy's giggles from behind her, as she soldiered on with her plan, "We didn't even know know what, never mind. I need your help. And you owe me. So put down the pretzel and listen. We're going backstage - and you're taking us there."


Dianne smiled to herself, adrenaline coursing through her veins, as she chanced a glance back toward her two friends who were practically bouncing with excitement in their seats. She smiled again, almost shyly, as the reality of their situation hit her in the face. She was actually going to find Joe Sugg.


"Good sound check mate," Caspar nodded toward Joe who was fiddling with the microphones next to the sound board. "You good? Feeling okay?"

Joe nodded, shooting his friend a halfhearted smile, despite feeling more shit than ever, he appreciated how much Caspar was looking out for him. He knew he was being as irritating as ever with his sullen behavior, so as he turned away to begin messing with the dials of the sound board, he took a deep breath, determined to re-focus himself.

"She's going to turn up," Caspar whispered in his ear, clamping a hand on his shoulder. "Have faith, bro."

Joe paused his fumbling fingers to suck in another shaky breath. He didn't want to have faith. He didn't want to get his hopes up only to have them shot down when she didn't show up. When he would have to come to terms with never seeing the redhead with the big brown eyes and the intoxicating giggle ever again. The time was ticking down with less than hour before show time, and it was time to force his brain to focus on the reason why he was there. They had a show to put on, and no matter how broken his heart felt, it was time to soldier on.

"I'm sorry I've been a shit friend and a shittier band mate," Joe sighed, turning to look Caspar in the eyes. "You've been ace, Casp. And I'm going to focus tonight. I promise."

Caspar's expression softened, "I know you will."

"I'm going to forget about her. I have to. At least for tonight," Joe continued, trying to convince himself just as much as Caspar that the words he was saying were true.

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