You guys suck (jayxdaniel). Part one

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Hey. Cream here. Quick announcement. I have decided to keep writing this book. For those that don't agree, I'm sorry. Don't like, don't read. Ur not forced to be here. Once again, I'm sorry for those who don't like but those who DO like, please enjoy 😊

Nobody's POV:
"No stephen!" Dan says as he runs up the stairs into his room. "Awww dude please? Me and hosuh are going. Plus, u owe me" Stephen says following right behind Daniel. What Stephen says causes dan to stop on his tracks

Dan spins around to now be facing Stephen. Daniel crosses his arms and responds "ha. Dude, I don't owe u anything" Stephen gets closer to dan making Daniel back up against the wall. Dan can't help but blush wondering what Stephens about to do

Stephen looks down at dan and says "u owe me Big time." Daniel tried to stand up straighter and says with fake confidence "from what?" Stephen whispers into Daniels ear. Daniels face is now flushed. "Damnit I forgot about that time" daniel says face palming himself

Stephen waits patiently for Daniels answer. Daniel sighs and looks up at Stephen his blush calming down "Fine I'll go but in ONE condition" Stephen backs away from Daniel finally givin the green haired boy some space "sure. Anything" Daniel just sighs and looks down in embarrassment "I'll go only if... only if u quit mentioning that one time." Stephen smirks "oh, u mean-" daniel cuts him off "yes I mean..." Daniel lowers his voice down to a whisper "I mean the time I was drunk"

Stephen can't help but laugh out loud. This dosent help daniel calm blush. Stephen nods at dan and then tells him "ok ok I'm sorry. I'll never mention the 'incident' ever again. Me and hosuh are leaving in 3 hours so be ready" daniel groans and storms into his room

Daniel felt stupid. He flops into bed thinking about that stupid regretful night. He can't believe he got drunk and... did it with Stephen. HE CANT BELIEVE THAT STEPHEN DIDNT STOP HIM Stephen said,that even tho he was sober, ... he enjoyed it. Daniel face is a deep red color just thinking back to that night

Stephen and Daniel act normal but Stephen does enjoy teasing poor Daniel about it. Hosuh is so innocent that he has no idea. Daniel looks at the time on his phone "5:39. I have to get ready in like 2 hours to give me enough time to leave when hosuh and Stephen are leaving. Daniel groans and decides to watch some YouTube meanwhile

It is now 7. Daniel rolls out of bed and decides to get ready. Daniel takes off his clothes and stares into his closet " what do people normally wear to these kind of things?" Daniel thinks to himself not having a clue since he's never been to one.

Daniel just groans and looks up 'guy outfits' in Pinterest. He finally decides to go with one that he actually owns. It's cool and it's comfy (it's a plain grey t shirt with an earthy green jean jacket and blue jeans)

He puts on the outfit and walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Stephen walk in and looks Daniel up and down. "Cute. U look nice dude" Daniel almost chokes on his tooth brush. He flips around to glare at Stephen. Stephen puts his hands up to defend himself "what?"

Daniel spits out his toothpaste and says "I told u to quit!" Stephen shakes his head and steps closer to Daniel "no, u told me to never mention ur drunk night with me and I didn't mention it" Daniels face is once again flushed. He dosent know what to say in return so he just shoves Stephen out of his way and he storms back into his room

After a while it is now 8. Daniel in watching some YouTube on his laptop when hosuh knocks at his door and opens it. Hosuh wearing some ripped skinny jeans with his plain white t shirt and a black jean jacket on top of it all. "Hey Daniel" hosuh smiles at dan.

Daniel sits up and sets his laptop aside removing his earbuds "Hey hosuh. U look good. Do u need something?" Hosuh blushes a bit at Daniels compliment "y-yeah. Me and Stephen are ready to go. Are u?" Daniel gets out of bed and shuts his laptop. "Yea I'm ready. Lemme just grab my shoes

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