Im so excited! (Stephenxjayxhosuh) part one

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Hey. Cream here. For the sake of the story, all four guys live separately ok? And I couldn't find a jay and hosuh and Stephen picture ANYWHERE so, I took matters into my own hands and decided to draw them! I-I hope u enjoy my art and my story. Please enjoy :)

Hosuhs POV:
Ugh. I'm so bored. I live in a small little house. I wanted to invite the whole crew over for a sleep over but dan is away for a few days doing something. I sigh. I flop onto my bed staring  at the ceiling wondering what I should do. I suddenly sit up thinking that I've never had a sleep over with just Stephen and jay.

I think about it for a bit and decide to do that instead. It's Friday. No one has to do anything tomorrow since it's the weekend. I giggle with excitement and head downstairs to grab my phone

Once I grab my phone I text Stephen and jay separately

Hosuh: goodmorning jay. I know that u have school but I was wondering if you would like to have a sleep over at my place tonight. U in?

Jays POV:
I wake up to a vibration from my phone next to me. I groan and get up to check it out. I rub my eyes and unlock my phone thinking that it's just a notification from one of the games i have downloaded.

My eyes open wide and I fully wake up when I see that the notification is from non other than hosuh. I work with hosuh and the rest of the crew but I've always had a slight crush on hosuh.

I feel a bit of heat rise to my face as I nervously open the text message to see what it says. I read the text message

Hosuh: goodmorning jay. I know that u have school but I was wondering if you would like to have a sleep over at my place tonight. U in?

I stare down at the text. I can't believe it. I re-read the text over and over again. I pinch my self. Is this a dream? "Ow" nope it's not a dream. That pinch hurt.

Wow. I-I... I can't believe it. I fangirl for a sec but then calm myself down. I go back to the text and try to sound calm as I text back

Jay: mornin dude. Yeah sounds good. What time do u want me to stop by? Should I bring anything?

As I wait for him to answer back I throw on some sweats and a plain white hoodie. I grab my phone and head downstairs to grab a lil something to eat before I head for school. Not long after I get a text from hosuh saying-

Hosuh: ah yay. Thanks 😃 stop by at like 7? Oh and bring a drink please. I ran out.

I feel my heart race. Damn it, why does hosuh have to be so cute?  I text back a thumbs up and head for school. Feeling excited about tonight

Hosuhs POV:
Wow. Jay said yes. Cool! I'm excited. I decide to swap over to Stephen and send him the same text

Hosuh: goodmorning Stephen. I know that u have school but I was wondering if you would like to have a sleep over at my place tonight. U in?

Stephens POV:
I had just woken up rubbing my eyes when I hear a notification ding come from my phone. I groan and roll out of bed walking up to my desktop to grab my phone. Once I get my phone and unlock the screen to see who the text is from I almost drop my phone. 'A-am I dreaming!? No way' i re-read the text about 3 times before I decide that ,yup, that text is from none other than from my big time crush, hosuh

I start to freak out. Hosuh just asked me to sleepover at his place tonight. I have school but I accept. I take a deep breath and answer back quickly

Stephen: well if u say so dude 😉. What time do u want me to stop by and do u want me to buy anything?

I head downstairs and brush my teeth and head out the door in my sweats and black hoodie that I ended up sleeping in last night.

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