Stephen plays rough (hosuhxstephen)

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Stephen and hosuh aren't officially dating but they like to fool around (if u know what I mean) dan dosent know a thing tho cuz he's slow as hell. Duh

Hosuhs POV:
  I'm sitting here watching a movie on my phone while dan cooks dinner cuz it's his turn. Stephen is... hey, where is Stephen? Eh. I'd don't matter I don't think. As long as he's not killing anyone it's fine.

  I keep watching my movie when I Hear a familiar voice come from the bedrooms " hosuh. Can u come here for a sec?" Sigh. Ok. I set my phone down and make my way to Stephens room. ( hosuh is wearing some sweats and a pastel pink shirt. Stephen is wearing some basketball shorts and a black v neck shirt) Stephen is sitting on his chair infront of his desk his back facing me. "U needed me Stephen?" He turns around quickly and smiles wide when he sees me. "Shut the door hosuh" I get nervous but do as he says. "Now come closer" he says his eyes half closed and full of lust. 'Oh no. What have I gotten myself into this time' I ask myself while getting closer to Stephen. " now turn around and pull ur sweats and boxers down" Sigh. "Stephen if u wanted to... u'know, u could've just said so" I say a bit annoyed but doing as he asks.

I expect to feel his ram into me at any moment for he loves to be rough. I swear my insides are gonna split one day if he keeps being rough like that! But instead something long and thick enters me completely. It's not Stephen. This feels... harder. I turn my head to face Stephen. My legs suddenly feel like noodles. "A-ah Stephen" I say falling flat on his chest. "Hey u ok?" Stephen asks helping me pull up my sweats and boxers. "Y-yeah just gimme a sec" Stephen smirks. "Stephen.. what is that thing? It hurts" I whimper. Stephen just grabs under my chin and lifts my head to make eye contact with him while I keep hugging me. "Oh don't worry hosuh, I'll find out real soon~ anyways, hurry up, I think dans done with dinner." And with that he grabs his phone from his desk and The room toward the kitchen.

'O-ow. I'll stand here for a sec' I think. After like 2 minutes I walk into the kitchen as well. Dans done cooking and is seated in the table along with Stephen. I grab my plate and sit down in one of the chaired with a cushion cuz these seats are hard. ( how dan is seated, if he looks at hosuh he can't see what Stephen is doing and vise versa. Ok bye) while dan has a bit of food in his mouth he turns to Stephen and says "so. What do u want to do tomorrow?" I notice that Stephen is barely touching his food. He seems distracted. "Huh? Oh uh..." and then he repositions himself more firm "hm, I dunno dan. Why don't u ask hosuh" he says giving me a smug expression. A cold chill runs down my spine. Dan shrugs and turns to me. Stephen is glaring into my eyes even tho I turn to look at dan (cuz he's talking to me now) I can still feel Stephens black eyes stare right into me.

"So hosuh, how bout u pal?" I think for a sec and say "hm... I dunno, I think we should-" and I get cut off by a gasp that escapes my lips. I hear a low muffled hum and I can feel a sharp pain coming from my ass. It's tingling my insides a bit. "Hey hosuh, u ok?" Dan says with worry in his voice. "Y-yeah, ngh, I dunno why but-" and then it hits me. This is Stephens evil doing. I turn my head to look at Stephen and he is trying his best to hold back a laugh. Oh no. I know what he's doing. SERIOUSLY!? WHY NOW? AND WHY INFRONT OF DAN!? I scream internally.

"Hosuh?" Dan asks once again. I reposition myself trying to act as normal as ever. "I... I-I was just saying that ,ah, we should.... visit Ann. Yup" I say nervous that dan will notice my stuttering. "Huh. Yeah good idea" dan says returning to talk to Stephen.

I move my hand to grip the table for support but accidentally  Drop my fork instead. "Oops" I say and go under the table to find it. I turn my attention to Stephens direction and , yup, his phone is on his lap. He must be controlling the vibrator in me with an app. I see his long pale finger tap something and I feel the hum from the vibrator go faster as it quickens and hurts me even more. I bite my knuckle holding back a moan and sit back it my seat.

I stay seated not touching my food for 4 more minutes, Stephen making the vibrator go faster every now and then. Stephen and dan are having such a nice and normal conversation, Stephen acting so normal like if he's not the reason I have a massive boner for, making me look like the wierd one. I can't hold it back anymore...

I suddenly stand up quickly the attention turning to me suddenly. "I..I am going to the bathroom" I say kinda forced making sure I don't accidentally moan and run up the stairs. Once I'm in the bathroom I close the door, grab the nearest towel and moan soooooo loud into it.

Ugh I can't take it anymore. My face is buried deep in the towel, my chest on the floor and my ass high in the sky. My face bursts in heat and embarrassment. I sit up the towel still over my mouth. I look at my huge boner obviously sticking out my baggy sweats. I wanna touch my self so bad~

I hear a knock on the door. "Hey buddy. Hurry up. I need to shower alright?" It's dan. I put away the towel on the rack, flush the toilet to make it look like I used it, open the door and run straight to my room. I flop onto my bed and bury my face deep into my pillow moaning like crazy. The hum of the vibrator in my body is driving me mad.

I suddenly feel a cold hand touch my back. I flinch at the sudden touch. I turn my head moaning a bit out loud to see that it's Stephen. "How we holding off babe?" He says with his signature bubbly laugh throwing me off edge.

I turn to see that my door is now closed and jump on Stephen sitting on his lap. I grind hard on him my boner growing bigger and feeling it against my boxers. "A-ah!" I moan outloud throwing my head back in pleasure.

Stephens POV:
Hosuh is now grinding himself on me driving me mad. I.. I guessed I pushed him a bit too far this time. I can slightly feel the hum of the vibrator in him on me and he bucks his hips upward earning a moan from him and me. My dick gets hard as hell. I guess hosuh notices cuz he looks down at me, his face tomato red. This ,of course, turns me on.

Hosuhs POV:
"S-Stephen please" I beg. I feel desperate. Stephen looks at my lust filled eyes and I feel the same kind of energy radiate off him. He sits me on the bed and I quickly take my sweats and boxers off waiting for Stephen. He is taking so long tho. I move my hand toward my hard dick and touch the tip with my thumb. I didn't think I was so sensitive but I am earning a loud moan from me. "AH~" I scream.

This gets Stephens attention. He quickly slaps my hand away from touching myself. "No no no. Bad hosuh" he says in a teasing voice. I whine cuz I want him so bad. ( hosuh has his pastel pink shirt on, no shorts and no boxers. Stephen has no clothes on. He bare ass naked) Stephen sits down on the bed next to me. He lays me down spreading my legs wide. In one swift move he removes the huge vibrator. Man that things gotta be at LEAST 6 inches! Oh man.

(Hosuhs size is 7x1.5. Stephen is 10x2. Why do u need to know this?.... I dunno. Ok enjoy) hosuhs soft pink hole opens and closes and it's soaked. Stephens giggles his bubbly laugh "aw man hosuh haha. We don't even need lube! Look at how fucking wet u are" I'm getting desperate "n-ngh. Stephen!" "Ok, ok. Wanna take it all in now?" He asks lineing  himself against me. I get scared but nos my head slowly

"Ok" Stephen says full of lust " u asked for this" in one swift motion he thrusts his whole length deep inside me earning a loud moan from both of us. After we've calmed down he moves almost all the way out and thrusts way back in me again earning a scream from me each and every time

Pull out, THRUST
Pull out, THRUST

He does this a few times before I scream "AH IM CLOSE" and moan as I orgasm. It shoots so far it gets stuck in my hair. "Aw baby, take ur hair down will u?" He says tugging at the hair tie that was holding my ponytail. Once my hair is down I realize Stephen hasn't cummed yet.

"S-Stephen" I ask panting like a dog " have u cummed yet?" Stephen breathes deeply in and out while nodding his head. It turns out that he cummed in loads while he pulled out of me. I fall on his chest and we end up falling asleep.

Hey, cream here. So, did u like it? I hope cuz I stayed up till 2am writing this. Yeah, I'm going to hell but I'll make sure I go in style. Ok then, bye and enjoy the next one.

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