But... what if they come back? (Stephenxhosuh) part 2

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Stephen POV:
I've been talking to this hosuh guy all night. It's now Friday morning. It's 06:31 and I have to get ready for school

Stephen: hey hosuh, I gtg. I have some classes to get to >:P. Sorry. We can talk after. Ok?
Hosuh: yeah sure thing! I uh... I gotta tell u something after anyways. Text me when ur done. Bye 😊

He always sends that cute smiling emoji. He must like to smile a lot in real life. I look up at the ceiling and smile to myself. I get up and throw on some sweats and a gray hoodie and head downstairs to grab something quick to eat and head to school.

Hosuhs POV:
Ah! That Stephen guy is so funny! He's so cute too. 'Today is the day' I tell myself with the confidence I wish I had, 'I am going to invite Stephen over to the house!' I look up to the ceiling and smile to myself. I get up and put on some basket ball shorts and my pastel pink tee shirt and head downstairs for some breakfast. I'm so tired... I spent all night talking with Stephen. Not gonna complain, I enjoyed it.

Once I'm downstairs I see my two friends (and roommates) jay and Daniel in the kitchen eating some eggs and talking. They are really great friends. Once they see me jay walks up to me and ruffles my hair which is down. "H-hey!" I giggle at him trying to make his stop. After he's done he just stands there with his arm around my shoulder.

"So hosuh. Wanna hang with us 'big kids' today?" Jay says teasingly. I look over at Daniel to see him smirking big and wide at me waiting for my answer. I look up at jay and say "haha. Very funny jay. Ur only 2 years older than me!" He takes his arm off my shoulder and puts his hands up to defend himself

"Haha i know I know. So, whatcha say? Wanna hang with us today? We wanted to head for the mall and junk. U up for that?" I start to kinda panic. Oh no... they want me to hang out with them today? Out of alllll the days in the year it had to be today!? Oh no. This is ruining my plans with Stephen!

"I-I...." I try to find a way to say no to them without being mean. I guess Daniel sees me struggle cuz he says "oooor... do u already have plans?" I think he says it as a joke knowing that I don't really have many friends. I stand up straight gathering the little confidence I have into one big ball to say in my next sentence "yea. I do actually"

I guess that surprised them because they just stand there looking at me, their mouths hanging wide open. I decide to play dumb and say "what?" They run up to me and pull me into a big hug "awww our little hosuh is all grown up and hanging out with his friends" jay says big globs of tears streaming down his face. "J-jay! Calm down! This is normal!" Jay backs off and so does Daniel. Jay wipes his tears and says "y-yeah sorry. It's just that ur so lonely all the time. I've been waiting for the day for u to have plans with a friend."

I kinda feel flustered and offended "I-I have friends! I have LOADS of friends!" Daniel and jay just stand there, their arms crossed and they cock an eyebrow at me. I shrink

"O-ok so maybe not loads of friends" damn it. I should really make some more friends. I do get lonely at times. Jay and Daniel unfold their arms and say "yeah. Don't worry about it. Anyways, when is ur friend coming over? We'll leave the housr when they come. To give u guys some privacy to hang around" jays eyes practically shine with excitement when he asks "who's ur friend!" Damn. I should tell them. I take a deep breath and say "some really nice guy I met online."

There's silence. I kinda expect them to judge me like parents do but instead I get a pat on the head. I look up to see that it's Daniel. He smiles wide showing me his perfectly straight white teeth "good for u buddy. Well, we'll head out now. We'll be gone all day so don't wait on us. Feel free to invite ur friend and do whatever. Bye hosuh" they give me a quick hug and head for the door. "Bye!" I shout out as they shut the door.

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