J-jay! Gentle! (jayxstephen)

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Stephens POV:
Ugh. I feel warm. Warmer than usual. Hm. I wonder what it could be. I don't feel sick but my bottom half kinda aches

Daniels POV:
Poor Stephen. He says that he hasn't been feeling well so we've just left him alone today. We've even delayed our recording for the new video just a bit. *sigh* this kinda stuff happen right? Me and Hosuh are in the kitchen having tea and chatting when I remember that we have to go shopping for food. "Hey hosuh. Get changed. We need to buy food" I say as I'm walking towards my room.

Hosuh with his soft voice says "a-actually can we also stop at the mall?" I stop walking and face Hosuh "yeah sure. Why?" He looks down his face red in embarrassment "I-I need more undies..." I can't help but laugh. I just think it's so funny how easy he can get embarrassed. "Sure sure hosuh. No need to get embarrassed. It's normal. We all wear undies" this only makes hosuh blush even more. He nods his head and walks off to get changed.

When I'm done hosuh is still changing so I go and knock on Stephens door. Knock knock "Stephen?" I call out. I hear a groan and a ruffle of blankets "ugh. What dan?" He sounds tired. I open the door and walk in. The room is dark and I see Stephen on his bed with a plain white tee and his black boxers. "Me and hosuh are going to the store. We'll be gone for a while. Do u want anything?"

He flips back down on his bed and acts all dramatic "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. How about skittles" his eyes shine with excitement. He really is a little kid sometimes. I roll my eyes and put a hand on my hip "fine. Only because ur sick" he starts waving his hands everywhere and yells "YAY DAN! UR THE BEST"

At that second hosuh walks out of his room. His shoes in hand. I start backing away from Stephens room closing the door "alright Stephen. Bye. We're heading out. See ya in 3-4 hours." "BYE" Stephen yells. We close the door and leave

Stephens POV:
Ok. They're gone. I'm so exhausted. Now I have peace and quiet to try to find out what's wrong with me. I google any sicknesses with my kind of symptoms to try to find out what's wrong. I can't find anything that matches what I'm feeling tho.

Then a thought comes to mind. My cheeks turn a light shade of pink 'pfft. N-no Stephen what are u thinking? It can't be that...' but I google it anyways just for jokes and I read what google has to say about it. I joke at first but my heart starts to sink as I keep reading..... the symptoms match 100% to what I'm feeling.... it turns out, I'm just horny

I flip over shoving my face into my light blue pillow with embarrassment at this sudden realization. I flip back over facing up with a hand across my forehead and my other hand across my stomach cuz my shirts lifted a bit. "Ah. What should I do?" I think out loud even tho I know what I should do even tho I don't want to.

I rarely, and I mean rarely, masturbate. Why? Because I see it as a waste of time. "Fine," I pout thinking out loud again "I'll do it. L-let's just get this over with" I say shutting my eyes with annoyance and start tugging my boxers off

Daniels POV:
Me and hosuh are walking to the store and enjoying our time out by talking when my phone rings. I take it out of my pocket to see a familiar name stamped across my screen. Jay the psycho.

I giggle at the name I gave him. I clear my through and pick up
Dan- hello?
Jay- oh. Hey dan. I'm just warning u that I'm on my way to ur guys place. Is that alright?
I pause cuz I dunno what to tell him. We're not home... but Stephen is! So it should be fine!
Dan-hey yea it's fine. The only problem is that me and hosuh aren't home. We're out running some errands but Stephens home. u can let itself in. The doors unlocked.
Jay-alright. See ya later then
Dan-yeah yeah
I say and hang up. Me and hosuh keep walking and talking

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