Chapter 2

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Mirabelle's POV:
I heaved a sigh of relief. I was finally done with unpacking and arranging my room. I looked around and I liked what I saw. My blue sheets laid neatly on the bed,blue frames on the dresser and on the walls, my favourite blue curtains...

Okay, I know what you're thinking. How can a girl love blue? Well I don't know. I always loved it ever since I was a little girl. My brother teased me for being weird(cause most girls my age liked pink and blue was generally a boy's color), but I didn't care. I still love blue and I don't think I would ever stop loving it any time soon.

I heard a loud bang on my door, which startled me out of my thoughts.
Before I could even utter a word, the door swung open to reveal my twin, Michael grinning like an idiot.

"Can I come in?" He said, walking into my room and sitting on the bed. I glared at him.

"You already let yourself in. What if I was naked?" I said.

"Well you weren't. That's all that matters" he replied in a flat tone. I put my hands on my hips and gave him a withering stare. His eyes swept across the room and he snorted.

"What is this place, the sanctuary of the Great Blue Kid?" he said.

"What do you want?" I said impatiently. He seemed to sense my irritation, so he stood up from my bed.

"You're going out with me today" he said smiling. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"You already know my answer." I replied with a smile similar to his.

"Great! Be ready in 30 minutes" he said and turned to leave.

"Wait!" I said. He turned to me, a questioning look on his face.

"I am not going anywhere. I have plans" I said. He chuckled.

"Yeah right." He scoffed."I'm sure it involves that boring novel on your bed". I widened my eyes in shock.
How dare he talk trash about The Pale Horseman! I eyed him before walking over to my bed and sitting on it.

"I am not going any where. That's it." I said as I opened the book. He walked over and knocked the book out of my hands. I jumped up angrily and glared at him.

"What did you do that for?!" I demanded. Oh God help me, I am going to kill this boy and feed him to the vultures......

"When are you going to learn to live a normal life? One that involves making friends and having fun?" He asks me. I size him up slowly.

"Last time I checked, I was living a normal life." I retorted. He scoffs.

"Yeah right. Too bad your definition of normal differs from mine. I mean, come on. Don't you look in the mirror?" He says as he grips my shoulders and steers me towards the mirror.

"Look at you. You are like, the prettiest girl in the neighborhood. Guys are always all over you. Yet you keep hiding away, like some princess locked in a castle." I scoffed when he said that. Puh-lease.

I'm not saying I'm not pretty; I mean I know I am. I'm just too modest to admit it.

"So what exactly is your point? Are you just trying to butter me up so I can come with you?" I said in a flat tone. He stared at my reflection for a while and turned me again. This time, I was facing him.

"No. I'm just saying, we hardly spend time together. I just want us to go out and have fun, just like old times" he said, and I could hear the sincerity in his voice. I sighed.

"Fine. You win. I'll come with you, okay?" I said, in a defeated tone. Michael beamed so wide I thought his face was going to split in half.

"Thank you sista. I love youuu." He pecked me on the cheek and skipped out of my room. Literally. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my closet. The things I do for family.

A/N: How was it? It took me a lot of time to write this. I have this terrible writers block, couldn't put a single word down. Plus, I have been kinda busy. But anyway tell me what you think. Vote, comment, please.

P.S The pic above is imaginary Mirabelle😘

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