Chapter 13

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Idris' POV:
"She said that?" I asked in disbelief. It was after our first period and Ike was telling me all about what went down in their Government class.

"Yeah. I mean, who picks a fight with someone just because she wore Converse?" Ike said. Kola just shook his head.

"Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of hers." He said. I scoffed.

"Does she even think? Who does that to someone they're meeting for the first time?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, new girl didn't give her a chance to intimidate her. She gave her a fitting comeback." Ike said, sounding impressed.

"That sounds a lot of warning bells, cause Adanna is a wrecking ball when she's mad." I said, taking out my books.

"She did get mad, but then Deolu came to her rescue." Ike said. I turned my head so fast I thought I head a bone snap.

"Deolu?" I asked. Ike nodded.

"Uh oh. He's going after new girl." Kola said, looking between him and me.

"From the looks of it, he might get his way. They were talking and smiling a lot during class. He even walked out with her and Mariam." Ike said.

"Wait, Mariam?" Kola asked, his eyes wide. "They're friends now?"

"Yeah, she was pretty nice to her when she came in. She even spoke up for her when Adanna tried picking on her." Ike replied.

"I think we know the real reason why Kola is asking about her." I said, wiggling my eyebrows. Ike snickered while Kola glared at us.

"What? You really need to man up and tell this girl that you like her." I said, as I closed my locker.

"Its not that easy." Kola exhaled. Ike stood beside me and gave him a look.

"Well, from where I'm standing it is." He said in a flat tone. I chuckled as Kola shot yet another glare at him.

"We gotta get to class." I said as the warning bell rang. We separated from Ike as he entered his class. Ike was a commerce student while Kola and I were in the sciences.

We walked into the Biology class. The teacher was already there, but she seemed to be distracted so the class was noisy. I sat at the back by the window and Kola sat beside me. Just then, Tiwa came in and sat in front of Kola. I smiled at her as she sat down. She was one of the few people I was good friends with in this school. She's really nice, and she doesn't kiss anyone's behind all in the name of popularity. Trust me, that's not common in Greenleaf.

"Hey Tiwa. What's up?" I said cheerfully.

"Not much." She said shrugging. "Still trying to get used to the fact that we're back at school." I chuckled, so did Kola. She turned and looked at him.

"Kola! Hi, how are you?" She piped up. He nodded.

"I'm good, you?" He replied.

"Good too." She turned to me. "So, did you hear about your girlfriend's tantrum?" She said mockingly. I opened my mouth in shock.

"How did you......" I trailed off. She smiled and held up three fingers.

"One, the gossip mill in this school runs fast. Two, its Adanna, what else do you expect? And three, my locker is right beside Mirabelle's." She counted off her fingers.

"So you're locker buddies with her, uhn?" I asked trying to feign indifference.

"Yeah, she's pretty nice. We met this morning at the assembly." She replied. I nodded and looked at the board as the teacher asked us to settle down. Just as she was about to start the class, someone walked in. It was Mirabelle's twin, Michael.

"Good morning ma'am." He greeted, his bag slung casually over one shoulder. He oozed a certain kind of confidence that would intimidate anybody. Well, not me.

"Are you new?" Mrs Whyte asked, looking him up and down.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm new. My name is Michael Marcus." He replied.

"Well, Michael, welcome to Greenleaf Academy. We hope you have a splendid senior year with us. Have a seat." She said smiling. He smiled back and and walked over to an empty seat. The one in front of me. He turned his neck and smirked at me.

"Hey." He said, smirking. I mirrored his smirk and gave him a nod. "Sup."

He looked forward again as the teacher started babbling on and on about the ecosystem. I looked out the window and let my mind wander away from the class for a while. I thought about my dad and the nightmares I was having. I might not admit it, but I did want Dad to come back to us. Although I was mad that I spent all these years growing up without a father, a part of me yearned for a father's love and affection. My mom did everything to take care of us and made sure we never lacked anything, but it was glaring. Something was missing. I knew she was lonely, but she covered it up because of us. I felt lonely too.

"Idris Lawal, why aren't you paying attention?" I turned my head slowly to find everyone's attention on me.

"I was listening ma'am." I said, proud of the fact that my voice didn't waver. I felt stupid and small under everyone's scrutiny. Its embarrassing.

"All right then, would you mind telling the class the characteristics of montane forests?" Mrs Whyte said, folding her arms.

"Montane forests are characterized by low temperatures, high rainfall and high relative humidity. Trees are tall but few and scattered. Grasses form the most predominant biotic community and are closely followed by abundant grazing animals." I said all in one breath. She looked at me for a while and nodded her head.

"Impressive. Try to pay more attention in class though." She muttered and turned to the class. "Our next class is Friday, so we're going to have a test." The entire groaned.

"Read everything on transport systems, that's where your questions will be from. Its going to take up 10% of your mid-term grade." I groaned with the class this time. 10% percent out of 50 for our midterms? This woman is crazy.

Just then, the bell rang. I stuffed my books in my bag and walked out with Kola, Tiwa and Michael.

"A test? On the first week?" Kola said disbelieving.

"Tell me about it." Tiwa muttered, rolling her eyes. I looked at Michael. His face was contorted weirdly.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head.

"Learning. Makes me sick."

Two updates in two days?! That's a first, I tell you💃

Thank you to all those who gave this story a chance. Please stick with me, I'm coming with more chapters. In the mean time, don't forget to vote. Xoxo💜💜💜

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