Chapter 9

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Idris' POV:
Ahmed and I are in the car. I'm driving. Another secret: I've known how to drive since I was 16. I'm not 18 yet(few months more) but no officer has pulled me over before. I do look mature for my age though.

"Dude! Its freaking boring in here! Put on some music." Ahmed exclaims. I glance at him before grabbing the aux cord and passing it to him. He plugs into my phone and goes through my playlists.

"How come you have so many playlists?" He says. I shrug.

"I have one for every mood." I say nonchalantly. He looks up and smirks at me.

"Love songs? Really Idris?" He shakes his head at me.

"Stop snooping around and pick a song." I hiss through gritted teeth.

That's gonna come up again; I know Ahmed, he would never let me live it down.

"What song? You have SO many!" He exclaims, waving his hands in the air.

I let out a frustrated grunt as I grab my phone from him. I scroll through my playlists until I find one called 'Car Bops'.

Yep, I have that too.

I put it on shuffle and press play. The tunes of Sweet in the Middle filters through the car. Before long, Ahmed and I are humming and singing along to the lyrics.

"How come you have such a great voice and I sound like a cracked record?" Ahmed complains as the song comes to an end.

"Bro, to be honest, you sound more like a dying cat." I tell him, my eyes on the road. He glares at me.

"I blame nature. Yep, nature is biased." He says as I laugh.

"Don't hate me cause I'm perfect, and you're not." I say, smirking. He hissed and looked out of the window.

I raised my voice and sang even louder just to piss him off. Needless to say, it worked like a charm.

I drove up to Domino's Pizza and his mood immediately brightened.

Trust my brother to put food before family.

We walk in and order our pizzas. When we were done, we had to sit down and wait for the pizzas to get ready. I took out my phone and opened my WhatsApp. I had tons of messages, that being the result of too many group chats and random people from school trying to make friends.

Gee, take a hint. I don't want to 'get to know you.'

My eyes travel down the screen to see messages from Kola and Ike. We had a group chat, just for the three of us. I opened the chat.

Kola: Idris are you there? What's up at home?

Ike: Dude this is your fault. I told you not to mention his dad.

Kola: He would have found out eventually. I just felt he needed to know.


Kola: Yo Idris reply!

I smiled. I wasn't mad at them. Actually, I'm glad they told me. They were probably worried about me, cause the last time I spoke to them was yesterday after the game. I typed a reply to them.

Me: Hey guys

Almost immediately, they replied.

Kola: Finally! What's up bro?

Ike: You good?

Me: Yeah I'm fine

Ike: Listen, sorry we kept it away from you. It was my idea. You deserved to know.

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