Kim Namjoon

93 12 13

It was my first year of high school. I was in my bed, just enjoying how warm my body felt from the covers on me, snuggled into my pillows, that I didn't hear nor notice my sister walk in until I felt someone take them, my head hitting the bed hard and making me groan loudly.

"Wake up already! Jungkook's waiting for you outside and here you are still in your pajamas! I still don't know how he always forgives your late ass" She told me while I sat up grunting.

"Heejin I swear to god, you ever do that again, and you'll wish you hadn't" I threatened her half asleep, making her roll her eyes indifferently as she threw me the pillow.

"Whatever, just hurry it up, you'll have to eat breakfast on the way there anyways" She said while leaving my room, leaving me there with a small pout on my face before I stood up to get ready.

My high school was a public one. Yup, no uniforms, thank god, I would HATE to wear a damn skirt for all that time, getting colds 24/7 and having to be holding it down all the time when days were windy. But there was a dress code, such as no miniskirts, going to class as if you were just wearing your bra, things like that. I put on a top and some jeans, put my hair in a messy bun and took my leather jacket, running downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hi mom, hi dad!" I said while jogging to take my breakfast, which was already made to go since somehow my mom knew I wouldn't wake up early.

"Honey hurry. Jungkook's waiting for you, and even so, you don't want to be late on your first day" My mom told me with a smile, making me nod while smiling back at her.

"Bye everyone! Will be back by lunch!" I exclaimed running to the door with my food.

"Just warn us if you go out with Jungkook and your friends to eat instead!" My dad said making Heejin laugh while she looked through her phone, since many times they had waited for me to eat lunch while I was at McDonalds or somewhere else with my friends. Yeah, I forget to do things a lot

Once I got outside, I saw Jungkook standing in front of my house, arms crossed and his brows furrowed as he tapped his foot on the ground.

"You're late, like always" he told me and I ruffled his hair.

"Awww don't be upset, I'm only 5 minutes late" I said making him groan and put my hand away. By that time, Jungkook was still growing, so he was a bit taller than me but not too much, motive of many of my jokes against him.

"Let's just go, don't wanna be scolded by the teacher on our first day" He told me and I nodded, the both of us running our way to high school.

We got there on time, luckily, and we actually had our friends Yugyeom and Jiho waiting for us and keeping two spots for us to sit down. Always reliable.

"____ fell asleep again huuuh~?" Yugyeom asked Jungkook, who laughed while nodding in response, Jiho shaking her head

"One day you should just leave if she's late, let her have a scold on her own" She joked making me pout at her and hit her arm playfully.

"Hey! Stop being so mean to me you all!" I exclaimed making them laugh, all of us stopping once the teacher came into class.

"Hi, and welcome to your first year of three in this high school. I'm your teacher Bang Si Hyuk, if you have any doubts with my subject, with anything regarding the classes' materials, or just need some advice, you shall come talk to me. Let's have a great year" He said and we all nodded, all eager to start.

Once classes were done that day, which surprisingly was fast enough to not feel bored, we all went out together...and yes, I didn't my parents I was going to be late.

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