Jung Hoseok

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The rest of the year was pretty dull if I had to be honest. I hang out with Yoongi and my friends, we went to all his concerts. Jungkook even thought of Yoongi as a cool big brother, and not like Yoongi complained about it, he actually liked the idea of having someone so whipped by him and to who he could buy lamb skewers. But when we started our final year of high school, that was when the chaos started.

We were going back home from classes all together when Yoongi came to meet us midway, his hands in his pockets.

"Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed, running to him like a little brother once he saw his big brother, Yoongi rolling his eyes while trying to hide a small smile as he hugged him once Jungkook reached to him.

"Weren't you composing for your new album?" Chan asked him and Yoongi nodded.

"Yeah but I decided to take a break for a bit today. Going to see an old friend, you guys wanna come?" He asked us and we all agreed fast, wanting to know what type of friends August D had.

"We wanna go too!" A girl said clinging to Chan, that girl being Jihyo "Right, Mina?" She asked the shy girl who just smiled nodding.

"But I told Jinyoung we would hang out once I finished classes today" Yugyeom said pouting and Mingyu grinned.

"You can always tell him to come so we finally meet him" He teased, for once in a while, while Jiho and Binnie nodded eagerly.

"...Fine fine I'll call him" he said taking his phone and making us cheer.

"I'm sure he's the best! Anyone who is with Yugs has t be super nice!" Chan exclaimed making me giggle, Yoongi chuckling as he watched us.

"Aaah you guys are so young, c'mon, follow me" he said before Jungkook literally grabbed his hand and pulled of him, both of them walking together.

"Wow I've never seen Jungkook this whipped" I said and Mina giggled.

"He is weird" she said loud enough for me to hear, making me laugh as I grabbed her arm with mine smiling.

After a few minutes, we met Jinyoung, who literally looked like a prince from a fairy tale...and we all teased Yugyeom about it and the fact that he was taller than Jinyoung. Tho who was taller than him anyways-

"I'm taller than most of the people in high school so hush!" Yugyeom pouted making Jinyoung laugh while patting his shoulder.

After the meeting, we walked a bit more and got to a house, which made me snap.

"Huh?" I said and Yoongi looked at me, Jungkook already knowing what happened.

"What is it ____?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook pointed the house next to the one we were standing in front of.

"That's her house" He told him and he looked at me.

"You know Hoseok?" He asked me and I nodded, right when the door opened and a cheerful screech was heard.

"Yoongi! Uh? Jungkookie, ____ you are both here too! Wait, you all know Yoongi?" Hoseok asked and we nodded. "Now that is new and unexpected" he said teasing Yoongi.

Jung Hoseok was my neighbour and childhood friend. There had been times when I had felt sort of tingly around him, but I always let those slip because he was just being nice to me. I mean, I had even felt tingly because of Jungkook, like, c'mon.

But besides that, there was also one tiny issue that made me ignore those tingly feelings for Hoseok.

"C'mon! Heejin is already inside! I wasn't expecting so many people but come in!" He exclaimed, always smiling and we all went inside.

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