Kim Seokjin

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Days. Weeks. Months passed since Namjoon left to New Zealand and I was left with those three annoying words in my mouth. I could tell him while he was there? Sure, but again, I was not that selfish, even if I wanted to be.

"Oh c'mon! He wasn't that good!" Jiho tried to cheer me up as I had my face onto the desk while groaning.

"Yeah, besides, he's in college and we just started high school! He is 19 we are 16, how do you think people would've looked at him? Child molester in the area!" Jungkook tried to joke before Yugyeom hit his head making him whine.

"Age doesn't matter you psociopath" he told him and Jungkook scoffed at him.

"Says the one who is dating 'Mister 19 years old-' " Jungkook couldn't finish his sentence because Yugyeom had covered his mouth, but we had heard him loud and clear, and even that lightened my mood.

"You're dating who again?" I asked as I fastly looked up at him from the desk.

"Weren't you pitying yourself a few seconds ago?" He asked me and Binnie threw him (more like shoot him) a rubber band at his hand, making him hiss and shake his hand.

"Just tell us or we will get it out of you with tickles. We know where to attack" she threatned making Jiho laugh as he cringed. Yugyeom hated tickles.

"Fine fine...remember your friend Hoseok? The one who lives next door from your place?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Of course I know Hobi! He's like my childhood friend" I told him and he nodded.

"Well we've danced together a couple of times at the dance studio, and one time his friend went to pay him a visit, turns out it was who I would later" he said and Jiho and Binnie squealed making me and Jungkook laugh at how girly they could be

"Y-You guys don't laugh or I swear I will kick your asses!" He exclaimed blushing and Jungkook ruffled his hair playfully.

"Aaaah you're such a kid in love! I'm so proud of yoouu!" He exclaimed and Yugyeom pinched his cheeks hard.

"You're also a kid!" He exclaimed while we all laughed at them. Yugyeom and Jungkook had known each other more than Jungkook and I had, so it was funny to see them bickering like brothers would.

Right at that time, Chan and Mingyu, Yugyeom's friends, entered our class, literally pouncing and jumping to Yugyeom who held him.

"Sup Yugs! Me and Mingyu are going out for lunch at the new restaurant near high school, you guys wanna come?" Chris asked while Yugyeom held him up trying to not fall.

"Okay but first go down or Yugyeom might die" Binnie said making Jungkook laugh, Mingyu shaking his head smiling.

Oh right. I said Chris earlier. You see, Chan is from Australia, and his name there was Christopher, so people either call him Chan or just Chris, he doesn't really mind.

"C'mon! I'm starving!!" Chan exclaimed once we finished our classes, pulling of Yugyeom and Jiho as he ran, making me stand up with a groan.

"Why's that guy always so hyper? He tires me..." I mumbled and Mingyu laughed.

"Like you don't go around babying him whenever you have the chance" he said and I blew a raspberry at him in response, making him roll his eyes as he got out of class with us.

When we walked out of high school, we headed towards the restaurant Chan was so eager about. It was a very cozy looking restaurant, with arm chairs and regular chairs which were pretty comfortable, and big tables where we could all fit in just one. When we got inside, we were amazed by how full of people it was.

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