Min Yoongi

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As the days passed after my breakdown, I forgot how badly it affected me that Jin had a girlfriend. Since it was summer holidays, my friends decided it would be best if we all went somewhere, to try and clear my head, and so with our parents approval, and a lot thanks to their money, we went to two different places in those three months: Japan and China.

Our second year of high school had just started, and by that time my crush on Jin had gone away, so I could safely return to his restaurant without making it awkward and without risking him noticing I was feeling down. I just saw him as a friend now, and it was better that way

"Here's your coffee ____!" He told me with a smile and I smiled back taking it. Why go to Starbucks and pay a lot for the same coffee I could get from him at half the price?

"Thank you Jin, I'll be leaving now!" I said, and when I turned around, I let out a loud huff, my mood suddenly going all the way down.

It was raining. A lot. And I had no umbrella.

"What am I gonna dooooo" I mumbled to myself as I looked outside the window, rain pouring heavily.

Jungkook had had a sleepover with the boys that day, and since it had been at Yugyeom's place, he told me he wouldn't pick me up since Yugyeom literally lived a block away from our high school. And my sister had told me it was going to rain, but I didn't listen to her, since it was a habit already that she would lie to me to embarrase me.

And even if the restaurant was near, I didn't want to get wet. I would catch a cold that would be there for weeks. As I was thinking, that was the moment when I noticed someone giving me an umbrella, and when I looked....yup, love strucked again. I swear I don't do it on purpose, not my fault the guys were cute

"Here take it, you need it more than me" a boy with blonde almost white hair told me while putting his hood on and not letting me say otherwise or even thank you, since he quickly went towards the door.

"Here take it, you need it more than me" a boy with blonde almost white hair told me while putting his hood on and not letting me say otherwise or even thank you, since he quickly went towards the door

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As I watched him leave, Jin noticed me looking at the guy that had just left, standing next to me.

"Oh I see you met Yoongi!" He told me making me snap out of it.

"Yoongi?" I asked him and he nodded.

"He's almost like a regular here. He usually just comes for coffee or some pastries like, three times a week, but yeah, we could say he's a regular. When he comes he's always here at this time, funny thing is you only noticed him now. He isn't really fond of getting people's attention" he told me and laughed as I went back to look at Yoongi in the distance...only to remember of the time it was and my initial problem.

"Crap! Enough talking or I will be late! Thanks for the coffee Jin!" I exclaimed opening the umbrella and running out, Jin shaking his head with a smile before going back to the kitchen to prepare more things for breakfast and lunch.

Once I got in our class, I flopped on my seat, breathing hard since I had ran all the way up to class, the coffee even had gone cold when I wanted to drink it.

To all the boys I've ever lovedWhere stories live. Discover now