Park Jimin

23 5 1

My days in university had just started. It seemed like a dream back then whenever I said it.

'Mom I'm off to university'.

It always seemed hard to believe I would go that far, since I kind of sucked at studying anything other than my magazines. My friends even got surprised when I passee all my exams and I got accepted in university.

Once I had had breakfast, I went out of my house and I saw Jungkook coming to my place, baga on his side.

"Wow today you're even earlier than me, I'm impressed" he said and poked my forehead making me whine and put his hand away.

Even if Jungkook had grown taller and more muscular, he still was a baby to me, and he always took a chance to tease me, now more than ever. Tho I didn't really complain about it.

"Oh shut up, c'mon we gotta meet the others, they'll be shocked we don't appear there running as always" I said and he nodded, both of us walking our way there.

Jihyo and Mina had gone to another university with Chan and Mingyu, but Yugyeom, Jiho and Binnie had decided to go to the same university as us. Well, their parents decided it, not us, but who cares. We still saw each other but not as often as we would love to. We all were 19 by that year, which would mean:
-Namjoon and Hobi were 22
-Yoongi was 23
-Jin was 24

When we got there, we looked at the big building in front of us, tho there were two more buildings in the campus. This was all way bigger than I expected, considering our high school was not that small.

"Wow you guys are here on time, someone pinch me" Binnie teased us making Jungkook laugh as I tried to pinch her

"University might even be renovating for ____, who would've thought" Jiho said making me pout. Even Jiho had succumbed to teasing me.

"Well, I think we should go inside" Yugyeom said with a grin and we nodded, all of us going inside.

We decided we would join a few clubs, since it was part of our credits thingy we still didn't understand and because it would make our university life easier. Yugyeom and Jungkook joined the dance club, tho Jungkook also joined the basketball team since Yoongi had got him hooked up to it.

Jiho and Binnie joined the choir and, as for me? I joined the art club. For some odd reason I felt like watching and painting actual paintings would be interesting, and since it also turned out I wasn't that bad at drawing, I said 'Why the hell not?'.

There was where I met the first issue.

"Do you like Van Gogh?" A boy asked me as I was checking a book of his art work that I had taken from one of the shelves in the room, making me nod.

"Yeah he's one of my favorite artists" I said and he smiled widely.

"Awesome! I'm Kim Taehyung by the way, 3rd year in this university. I think I haven't seen you around" he said and I shook my head.

"I'm _____, first year. It's a pleasure to meet you" I said and he grinned.

"Cool! Hey I'm going out with my friend later, you wanna come? You can bring your friends if you want" he asked and I nodded eagerly.

I never thought making friends would be this easy-

Well, it had been thanks to Taehyung really, I only had to smile and nod.

"Sure! I'll ask them but if they can't I'll certainly will" I said making him laugh.

"I'll see you after classes then!" He said and left the room, leaving me smiling before I got a message on my phone from Jungkook, telling me to go to the dance studio in the campus.

To all the boys I've ever lovedWhere stories live. Discover now