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Jeno has been looking for Jaemin for days now, without any results. God. He was so pissed at himself.

'It's your fault'
'You didn't listen to the letter'
'And now he's gone.'
'He might be in danger. god, in pain even. Just because of your oblivious ass'
'And what are you doing? Nothing.'

All those thoughts kept him up every night. Even though Jeno looked for him every evening, sometimes even ditching school to look for him, he still felt like he didn't do enough.
Most times he was looking for Jaemin alone, but occasionally looking for him with Taeyong and his boyfriend.

But he hadn't find anything. All he got was letters, and hints from VICE, or however they were called. And every day, they got worse, and more scary.

Jeno groaned and turned around, looking at his alarm.

2:28 Α.M

Jeno sighed. He wished he could go to sleep. But he couldn't. And to be honest, even if he could sleep, he wouldn't let himself do it. He wanted to stay awake. He wanted to hear every single sound in the house, hoping it might be Jaemin coming home.

But it was useless. It has been quiet all night.

Jeno decided to try and get some sleep. he slipped under his blankets and turned off the lamp on his nightstand.


It has been around an hour. Jeno started dozing off, finally. But he shot up when he heared his phone ringing. He snapped his head to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. It was an unknown number and he read it α few times. He then picked up, not caring it was facetime.
He heared α low chuckle coming from the other side wich was completely dark.

"Hello, Jeno."

Jeno's heart dropped. The Low voice scaring him.

"W-who's this?"

The voice chuckled once again, and turned the camera. Revealing Jaemin.

Jeno's heart broke when he saw Jaemin.

His hair messy, his face and torso covered in blood and cuts and open wounds. And god, he looked starved.

Anger started to boil inside of him.

"JAEMIN! You fucking maniac, what did you do to him!?"

"Well you know, I really don't like it when people hurt my little brother" He said chuckling.

"Go ahead" He heared the voice say.
He then saw α pair of big hands grabbing Jaemin's hair, yanking his head backwards, holding α knife against the unconscious boy's throat.
"NO! No, No. Please don't. I-I'm begging you, please don't hurt him, please!" He begged as he started to cry.

"Do it." He heared the voice say.

Jeno started yelling when he saw the hand pressing the knife against Jaemin's skin, starting to make α small cut, but the stranger hung up halfway through the cut, making Jeno scared to death.

Jeno threw his phone beside. He grabbed his hair, trying to figure out what the actual fuck he had to do now. He had to save the younger right fucking now. But how?


"Okay. That's enough." The stranger said, throwing the phone somewhere. He turned his head to the boy.
"I said it's enough." But he kept going.

The boy finally raised his head. He lowered the knife.

"I-I'm sorry M-Mister Moon"

The stranger rolled his eyes. 
"You need to work on your korean, Wong. Put α bandage around it and leave him. And make sure to lock the door. Understood?"

And with that, the boy nodded.

The stranger walked off, his two bodyguards following. Both being relatively big and broad, but one taller than the other.


Jeno was pacing back and forth through his living room. His friends on the couch, trying to think of how to save Jaemin.

Meanwhile Jeno was having α full on mental break down.

"D-did you...try tracing the phonenumber yet?" Johnny asked softly.

"It wasn't possible!" Jeno snapped, tears of frustration, fear and guilt threatening to fall.

Doyoung let go of Taeyong's hand. He got up and hugged Jeno thightly.
Jeno hugged Doyoung back, and started to sob softly.

Mark, Donghyuck and Ten were trying to do some research on who "VICE" actually were,

While Taeyong, Johnny and Doyoung were brainstorming with Jeno.

"I might have an idea" Johnny said, making everyone look at him.

"We maybe could split up. You three try to track down the adress, and Taeyong, Doyoung and I look for him in the mean time?"
Everyone agreed except Jeno.

"Then what am I supposed to do?"


"No. Fuck no! I'm coming w-"

"First of all, watch your language. second of all, have you even seen yourself? you look like α dead body." Doyoung cut Jeno off.
"I'm coming with you. I don't care if you like it or not." Jeno said.

"Fine." Doyoung sighed. And with that, they got Ready to leave.

AN: I've never wrote α chapter this fucking fast, holy shit. Oh yeah next part will include α lot of drama lmfaoooo

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