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"Yeah, right? It's weird" Jaemin mumbled.

"I mean if y-" Jeno turned around when he heard his phone ring.

"Who is it?" Jaemin asked.


Jeno picked up. "Hey you!"

"Hey- I- Uhm.. Do you want to come over? Taeil wants to say some things to you both."

"Yeah sure! We're on the way. See you later"

"See you"

Jeno sighed and put down his phone. "Let's go"

Jaemin nodded and got up.


Jeno turned to look at Jaemin. "Are you ready?"

Jaemin took a deep breath and nodded.

Jeno patted the other's waist and rang the doorbell.

Renjun opened the door. "Look I didn't order an- Oh! Hey. Come in" he said, letting them in.


Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin came into the livingroom while talking.

"Oh? They're here already?"

Jaemin's heart dropped. 

That voice.


"P-please don't hurt me..." Jaemin whispered.

"I'm sorry darling" The stranger said. 

Jaemin saw the man grabbing  a flatiron from the small table, making him gulp.

"Plea-"  Jaemin started, but cut off his own sentence with screams when the flaming hot flatiron got pressed against his chest.

Jaemin squeezed Jeno's hand, breathing heavily.

"I can't do this.." He mumbled.

"You can do this, I'm with you, Nothing's gonna happen to you" Jeno whispered.

"Have a seat" The red haired man in front of them said, all taking a seat. 

"First" Taeil said, turning to Jaemin, making him hold his breath.

"I am so so sorry for everything I've put you through. I know that apologizing won't fix anything, but I'm so sorry" Taeil softly said.

Jaemin raised his head to Taeil. "It's okay.."

Taeil softly smiled.

"Yeah hold up" Jeno said, of course still not liking Taeil, making everyone turn to him.

"You're gonna stop treating VICE like shit right?" 

Taeil sighed and nodded. "I've realised I've been a horrible leader, so yes."


"Wait" Jaemin stuttered.

"C-can we.. you know, meet VICE..?"  Jaemin softly asked.

"Of course" 

Mark sighed. "I don't want thiiiiis!"

"Shut the fuck up. We promised Jaemin to go" Donghyuck sighed, plopping down on a chair, not knowing it's old so cracking right through it, making Ten, Doyoung and Johnny laugh at him.

Jaemin was clinging on to Jeno's arm. He wasn't scared, but being back at the abandoned church after what happened there, was.. honestly not the greatest thing ever, to say the least.

Taeyong was looking around, and almost screamed when te door opened.

"You're gonna cause us a damn heart attack fucking-" Doyoung started.

"jENo! wATcH YOuR DaMN LaNGUaGE!1!11!! Well where's your language now hyung?!" Jeno said, mocking the older's voice, earning a glare.

"SSHH there are people coming!" Taeyong sassed at them.

The first group walked in with Taeil. 

"Sorry we're late. Mister Wang had an accident" Taeil said, glaring at the guy.

"WELL- i didn't mean to drop it..." The guy said, making the other three next to him sigh.

"Go ahead, introduce yourselves" Taeil chuckled, sitting down on a chair wich didn't crack.

"BUT THAT'S UNFAI-" Donghyuck started but Mark stopped him, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Hey everyone! I'm Jackson- But you could call me- Yeah no clue"

"I'm Luhan"

"Zhou Mi, hi" the last one sighed. 

"Always so boring, Zhou Mi. Why?!" Jackson said, plopping down next to Taeil but cracking right through the chair, making everyone laugh.

The next group of boys just introduced, wich apparently were named "Rank 2", now the next and last group came in.

"Hey, I'm Kun" The first one said, plopping down on Taeil's lap, making Jaemin, Donghyuck and Jeno raise their eyebrows.

Then a tall one came in, making Mark gulp.

But he stayed quiet for a minute, turning his head to Ten with a look that said 'help me'

Ten mouthed the words, making the tall boy remember what he had to say.

"I-I'm... Wokhei!!! But.. you can call me Lucas" And when he saw Ten's proud smile, he had to smile as well.

Mark gasped when he saw the scar in his neck. "Are you the one I stab-"

"Yeah!! But it's okay" Lucas said smiling"

When everyone told their names and introduced themselves, they started talking and honestly to Jaemin's suprise, everyone was very nice and they got to know eachother very well. He also find out Taeil wasn't as scary as he thought, and he was extremely cute with his boyfriend, Kun.

And he was glad they got to make up.

AN: Honestly this chapter is SO messy and all over the place but we're getting to the end of the story and so I wanted them and VICE to be on good terms. I'm sorry! How are you guys?

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