Chapter 7

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It was the next morning, and when Kageyama woke up Hinata was gone. He found a note on his desk. 

"Thanks for letting me stay at your house Kageyama! Your food was really good! I might come again. Also sorry about yesterday." It read. Kageyama blushed when he traced back to yesterday. 

"Am I really falling for this idiot?!" Kageyama thought and shook his head. 

"No way!" Kageyama yawned and walked down the stairs. He saw something on the dining table. 

"Hey, Kageyama! I made breakfast for you as my thanks for yesterday." A note said. Next to the note was Kageyama's favourite breakfast. Kageyama blushed even more. 

"How did this dumbass know what my favourite breakfast was?!" He thought. He shook off the feeling after a few minutes, sat down and started to eat. 

"Good morning Kageyama! How was Breakfast?" Kageyama heard. He just walked into Karasuno High and he already saw Hinata running towards him. 

"It was fine," Kageyama said walking on, being the tsundere he was. 

"Can't you praise me a bit more Kageyama! I worked hard you know!" Hinata groaned. 

"F-fine. It was good, n-nice job." Kageyama stuttered. Hinata smiled. He knew this side of Kageyama doesn't come out often so he knew Kageyama liked it. They walked into the clubroom where Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka and Ennoshita was already. 

"Morning!" Hinata said cheerfully. 

"Morning Hinata!" Everyone replied. 

"Aren't you gonna say your greeting king?" Tsukishima said from the back. 

"How many times- You know what fine. Morning everyone." Kageyama mumbled. 

"Oh, Morning Kageyama." Everyone replied in surprise. 

"Oh ho, You have a good attitude today your highness," Tsukishima said. 

"Shut up Tsukishima," Kageyama said dropping his bag. 

"Hey Shrimp, Did you do something to the king?" Tsukishima asked. 

"Why me?" Hinata replied. 

"Well, you two did come in together," Daichi said standing up. 

"Don't we do that all the time?" Hinata answered. 

"True, but seriously. Did you?" Yamaguchi said. 

"Well, I did make breakfast for him, but that was just thanks for letting me stay at his house after being a hostage in a robbery," Hinata said. 

"You were in a robbery? Where?" Sugawara asked suddenly interested. 

"Well um, uh. Kageyama's house?" Hinata mumbled. 

"Say what?!" Everyone (except Hinata and Kageyama) shouted. 

"What happened?!" Daichi asked. 

"Well remember yesterday Kageyama wasn't doing well in Nekoma's match? Yachi-San accidentally swapped our drink bottles and Kageyama got a mental break down from that I think. So I decided to check on him after club practices and went to his house. When I got there the door to his house was opened and someone else's shoes were there. I merely thought that Kageyama bought new shoes for outdoor purposes and went in. When I went in I heard scuffling of someone searching around. I peeked around the corner and saw someone I've never seen before. He saw me and tied me up so that I couldn't do anything nor speak. Kageyama came back and caught the robber by surprise and was able to knock the robber unconscious. We called the police who locked the robber up. Kageyama was nice enough to let me stay the night." Hinata explained. 

"Were you alright? Daichi asked. 

"Mhm. No harm done. But now I wanna spike! Kageyama toss for me!"

Hey guys! I've decided to add a pic of a KageHina on each chapter! Please comment if you like the idea! Thanks for reading so far btw! BYE!

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