Chapter 1

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"Hinata! No flying starts dumbass!" Kageyama shouted as Hinata started early for their weekly race. 

"Say that before the race Kageyama!" Hinata shouted as he raced towards their school. They raced each other towards their school Karasuno High. 

"I win!" Hinata huffed as he reached the school gates. 

"That's because you started early!" Kageyama huffed. 

"Come on Kageyama. We need to get to our club room." Hinata said. They walked to the club room where already most of the club members were there. 

"Good morning guys!" Hinata said cheerfully. 

"Morning Hinata." Daichi smiled at Hinata's enthusiasm. 

"Mornin'. " Kageyama mumbled. 

"What was that King?" Tsukishima teased coming up from behind them. 

"Right. Is that everyone?" Daichi said standing up. 

"Yes, sir!" The members said. 

"Good. Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi. Get changed quickly and meet us in the sports hall." Daichi stated. 

"Yes, sir." The first-years replied. The second-years and third-years headed towards the sports hall. The first-years quickly changed into their volleyball gear and ran towards the sports hall. 

"Kageyama! Toss for me!" Hinata shouted grabbing a volleyball. 

"Yea yea," Kageyama mumbled running towards the court to position himself. Hinata passed the ball to Kageyama and ran towards the net and jumped. Kageyama received the ball and tossed the ball towards where Hinata jumped. Hinata spiked the ball and dropped back down to the ground to watch the ball skim through the court and bounced in the court. "

Nice spike Hinata!" Tanaka shouted out. 

"Thank you Tanaka-Senpai!" Hinata smiled. It was a Saturday morning so they had no school. Still, the Karasuno Volleyball team kept practising. 

"Everyone! Gather up!" A voice went up. Their coach Ukai- san and Takeda-Sensei were at the door. Takeda-Sensei held up a sheet of paper. 

"I got us a practice match with Nekoma High," Takeda-Sensei said. "Yea!" Everyone cheered. Nekoma high were their rivals and only Karasuno was one win- one loss to them. "When are they coming Takeda-Sensei?" Daichi asked. 

"They should come at 10:00. They are also bringing an another team with them which I don't know yet." Takeda-Sensei said. Hinata looked at the clock. 9:30 the clock read. 

"30 more minutes and Nekoma is coming!" Hinata thought in excitement. 

"You seem to be fairly excited," Kageyama said. "What do you think Kageyama. It's been so long since Nekoma came to have a practice match with us." Hinata smiled. 

"You are still trying to beat Kenma aren't you?" 

"Well, yea. We are both setters so it's only natural," Kageyama said. 

"He is really smart unlike you Kageyama," Hinata smirked. 

"Huhhh!" Kageyama growled. Hinata jumped back. 

"You can't say much, dumbass!" 30 minutes later there was a knock on the sports hall door. Hinata turned to look and saw Nekoma with the other team behind them. Nekoma walked in to show Fukurodani high. "BOKUTO-SAN!" Hinata shouted out in surprise. 

"Hey, Hey, Hey! How you been Hinata!" Bokuto the captain of Fukurodani shouted out. 

"Round up everyone!" Daichi called out. Karasuno went to where the two teams were to shake hands with them. 

"Thank you for coming such a long way." Daichi thanked them. 

"The pleasure is all ours. Thanks for having us." Kuroo the captain of Nekoma said. 

"But there is one more team." Kenma the Nekoma setter said. 

"Who?" Kageyama asked. "They said they will come in a few minutes." Akaashi the Fukurodani setter said. 

"Who said that?" A new voice asked. Kageyama and Hinata recognized the voice in an instance.

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