Chapter 34

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Hinata's POV

"Kageyama! I'm going to go see what smores are. Want one?" I asked standing up and tossing the burnt sparkler into the water-filled bucket. 

"Yes please, Thanks," Kageyama replied. 

"Kay!" I smiled and rushed off where the managers were. 

"Yachi-san! Can I have some smores!" I exclaimed while waving. 


"Care to be our taste-tester Karasuno's number 10?" One of Fukurodani's managers asked me holding out a plate. 

"Can I?! Thanks!" I exclaimed happily and took the plate. She then gave me a chocolate biscuit, then got a toasted marshmallow and put it on the biscuit, She then sandwiched the marshmallow with another chocolate biscuit.

"Here you go." She said. 

"Thanks! So this is a smore." I inspected. 

"Go on, Take a bite, and let us know." She said. 

"Kay," I replied and picked it up. 

"Thanks for the meal." I munched into the smore. 

"Woah! It's so good!" I exclaimed. 

"Really?! I'm glad." She smiled. 

"Here you go, You're going to give some to your setter over there as well right? Enjoy." She grinned and passed me 3 more. 

"Thank you!" I replied and rushed off to where Kageyama was. 

"Kageyama! Sorry if I took long." I said rushing towards him. 

"It's fine. Can I have one?" He asked. I nodded while still eating on the first one. He took one and bit into it. 

"What in the-!" He exclaimed. 

"Shhh!" I shushed him. 

"Sorry." He apologized. 

"I was just surprised. I didn't expect a marshmallow in there." 

"It's fine. Next time don't say it out loud. Look you surprised everyone." I said. Kageyama slightly looked around. 

"Oops?" He quietly laughed. I laughed with him. We quietly finished eating our smores. 

"That was good," I said licking my lips. 

"Sure was." Kageyama agreed. 

"Alright! You all done with the sparklers and eating your smores?!" Cap'n exclaimed. 

"Yes sir!" We all exclaimed. 

"Great! We now are playing an actual night game. This one is called tapping sticks. Shimizu! Can you get the tickets?" He exclaimed. I barely saw her nod because it was almost too dark to see anything. She then handed Cap'n small slips of paper. 

"Nekoma and Karasuno! Can you all gather here! Kuroo! Come up here with me!" Cap'n exclaimed. We all rushed to the bank and we stood on the sand. 

"Here we have slips of paper. I'm team 1 and Kuroo is team 2. You guys pick a slip of paper and the number on the paper determines your team. Any questions?" Cap'n asked. 

"Can we play BF vs BF?" Kuroo asked. 

"That's actually a good idea. Let's do that. Okay, I'm team 1, Sugawara is team 2. The people who don't have a significant other, you guys will pick a piece of paper from Sugawara. Now here are the teams:

Team 1: Daichi, Asahi, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Yaku.

Team 2: Sugawara, Nishinoya, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Lev. For now. Now Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, Narita, and any other Nekoma people go grab a piece of paper from Sugawara here." Cap'n said. 

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