Chapter 22

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Kageyama's POV

It took 15 minutes to find Natsu. Our teammates should already be at Sakanoshita eating meat buns by now.

"Really Natsu! We might have lost our snack!" Hinata growled. 

"Sorry, Nii-chan." Natsu apologized. Hinata was still mad all the way through to Sakanoshita. 

"Hinata! Kageyama! Natsu! Yachi! Shimizu! Your buns are here!" Daichi yelled holding a paper bag filled with meat buns. 

"Thanks, Cap'n!" Hinata said eagerly grabbing the bag. 

"Give us our share Hinata," I said. 

"Yea yea I know," Hinata replied grabbing one. 

"Here." He said giving me the bag. I sighed and passed the bag around so that everyone could get a meat bun. Then myself. 

"I'm going to grab a milk carton," I said entering the store. 

"Alfiht! fon't fake foo fong fafeyama. I fant to fo fome. (Alright! Don't take too long Kageyama. I want to go home.)" Hinata mumbled a meat bun still in his mouth.  I nodded chuckling a bit at his stupidity. I quickly grabbed a carton, paid and got out. 

"Alright let's go Hinata. Oh, Natsu too." I said. They nodded. We munched onto our meat buns and headed towards Hinata's house. 

"We're home!" Hinata said when he entered his house. 

"Welcome back! Have dinner then shower! I want you to be in bed by 9:30 pm!" I heard Hinata's mum yell. 

"Got it!" Hinata yelled back. We speed-walked into the dining room to eat dinner. We did just have a meat bun but we were still hungry. We gulped down our meal like wolves who haven't eaten in days. 

"More!" We both said in unison.


"Ooh, that was tasty!" Hinata said flopping down onto his bed. I sat on my futon and reached for my phone. 

"Hey, Kageyama?" Hinata asked. 

"Mmm?" I answered fidgeting on my phone. 

"We are dating right?" 

"Yea why?"

"Then can we kiss?" 

"Huh!?" I exclaimed. 

"Sorry. I just wanted to." Hinata said a bit scared. I sighed. 

"It's fine. Sure let's do it." I said sitting down on his bed. We leaned into each other looking deep into each other's eyes. We brought our lips together and kissed. Slowly and softly. 

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