xii. these hearts must drown in faith

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but let them scream & yell at each other under this quasi moon, an objective of inferno; so plethoras in its ballades, so resplendent in its stupor, & let these celestial beings who have nursed you since you opened your ocular browns, plush & break their own depth for a depth too vast for them to conquer with their sacred carelessness; & let your penumbra outline your faiths as your soul must indulge in the Niles of endless prayers, lift your gaze to glimpse the heart of heaven, the haven of quiescence in which this succulent wine exists not prohibited.

—there lies tour beguiling condensation, of a bounty of you be a glorious believer who stretches to battle against this serpentine, & if your hands touch the roof of benevolence then my starling, you have won! this broken catharsis between your sides will not matter as you plunge your fingertips into this quicksand of saccharine lox, coated by the beliefs of alt hope who have piety & amor running through their veins, throw yourself & drown inside the sacredness of each page of your holy book wherein each word speaks a dynasty of value, a million heavens & the strength of a gazillion soldiers raining down on you a shower of molten gold & abundance that this unhappy life cannot show your eyes to see, letting you glimpse the life you will have in heaven after this hell will end with an ellipse.

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