Chapter 4

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Sisters of the Black House - An Unofficial Fan-Film

This film is really well done! I recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about the three black sisters Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda.


Andromeda Tonks was carrying a crying toddler in her arms. The crying boy had bright green hair and striking blue eyes, much like his favourite stuff animal, which was missing at the moment.

"Oh lord, I am getting to old for this" Andromeda though while trying to calm the poor boy in her arms.

"hush no, we will find you stuff toy, little one" She tried again to no avail.

Edward Remus Lupin, also knows as "Teddy", was much like his mother a rather difficult child. There was not much that could make him calm down, the missing staff toy behing one of the few things.

Andromeda paced in the living room, rubbing gently the small back of the toddler in her arms. She was feeling stressed, her dear sister Narcissa and her son Draco were coming today, they could be here any minute now and her living room still looked like a bomb had striked. That bomb behing no one else than Teddy. Behing the child of two powerful wizards ought to bring great magic potential.
In his crying fit his magic subconsciously created havoc throughout the whole house. Mirrors were shattered, toys, pencil and torn books scattered the floor and the usually creamy walls were now coloured in a bright green and striking blue. Teddy really missed his stuff animal, a bright green snake with striking blue eyes.

He had other staff animals, like a red- golden lion, a blue-bronze eagle and a yellow-black badger , but nothing could compare to the snake. That left Andromeda wondering if Teddy would be sorted, just like herself, into Slytherin. Teddys Mother, her late daughter Nymphadora Tonks, was a hufflepuff while her late husband Remus Lupin was a Gryffindor. They both died not to long ago in the war against Voldemort, leaving Teddy as an orphan in her care.

It was merely four month after the war  and she was already at her limit.
She had lost her husband Ted Tonks like her daughter in the war as well. It still seemed so unreal to her, and with a five month old toodler keeping her busy, she didn't had time to grief probably. Despite that she wouldn't change Teddy for the world, he was all she had left.

Still, sometimes she wished that Teddy could grow up in a whole family, and that she could have some time for herself. She loved him dearly, but he was a little trouble maker and he cost her every little energy she had left. He had trouble sleeping every night, so she couldn't sleep either, leaving her tiered and exhausts in the next morning.

"Are you hungry, Teddy? Shall I make you something to eat?" Andromeda kissed the boys forehead. Waiting for him to become tired enough to sleep, but Teddy just cried louder. He wanted to have his favourite snake.

"Oh Teddy, but I am a snake myself, you see." Andromeda laughs softly, amazed at the energy the small boy in her arms possessed.

She turns around, stumbling over a toy she didn't see. She cursed inwardly. If only she had her want, then she could just "accio" the snake and let the chaos disperse itself. Unfortunately her want had gone missing in this chaos as well.

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