Getting Late

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It's a darkish morning of January, it's 5 in the morning.
Suddenly I'm waken up and all the deep slumbers are just perished. I am to sit on the chair which is placed just along with the table. I've taken the notebook to remind the classes of today.
Oh shit... There's a class of frustrating teacher today, the day is gonna be so tedious, i can expect the futurity of the day.

No sooner did i begin with revising the notes then a noise of something like cracking had reached my ears. I've just left all the works, my pen is dropped. Dragging my chair behind me, i stood up.
Opening the door of my room i walked by following the noise.
It's the direction of kitchen...
As i approach the kitchen, i see the door is locked.
Now I've to walk back to my room...
The bunch of keys is placed there in the cupboard and i am walking in the direction of it now.
Here these are in the corner.
I've taken the keys and moving towards kitchen now.

The door is cracking as i open it and i can see that everything including pots, flour and knife are fallen down the ground. Some sets of crockery are also found in the form of broken pieces.
There's is a cat... As i see it, it's starring at me and it's just run away, it ran at an speed of rabbit.
I've started gathering all the broken pieces of pots and material and i am gonna rearrange everything within the boundaries of the kitchen so that my mom shouldn't be aware of the disorder made by the cat.

It's all done and now i should go to have my own work continue...
I've started walking back towards my room and have started studying the notes which are to be discussed by the teacher in the class today.

Glowing sun can be seen from the window of my room which is just in front of me and my study table.
Mostly all the family members are awakened now, and i can't study well because of the chatter among my siblings. If you're going to have an effective studies session then it must be held in a lonely place where you can hear none, disturbed by none even you shouldn't be heard by anyone.

"Go and get biscuits", sister Ana orders.
"Going... And what..."
Mom interrupts "Bring the milk too Nyle, there's no milk in the kitchen, i kept it there in the night but it isn't there... The cat or the rats might have spoiled it".
"Didn't you keep it in the fridge mom", i ask.
"Oh Nyle... The fridge is out of order. Don't you know about this?", mom replied and asked spontaneously.
"Oh.. I do... I do mom", said i.
"I'm going to Baker's shop", i added while leaving the home.
(Door closes)

I'm stepping towards the baker's shop now and while walking i can see the wonderful scenario of my beautiful city. I see the greenish trees cherished with the bunches of red and yellow flowers, i hear the sweet and melodious voices of birds hidden in the trees, everything is looking so natural and so pleasing.

I've reached the Baker's shop.
"Give me two different kinds of biscuits", i told the Baker as my youngest sister likes chocolate flavour and younger brother likes butter flavoured biscuits.
The shopkeeper hand overed me the bag of biscuits and i started walking back towards my home without paying the Baker. I forgot paying.

"Hey Nyle, you didn't call me man, to come together", says John.

Heh.. I just forgot, sorry...(Nyle)

When will you be leaving for the school today?(John)

7:20 sharp, I'll call you this time, don't worry John, my friend.(Nyle)

Okay. See you then..(John)

Reaching home, i kept biscuits in the kitchen and i went to the bathroom to take bath and to get ready for the school.
After taking bath, i got into the room and opened the Al-Mirah.
"Oh God! The school-uniform is not pressed", i imagine surprisingly.

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