A Party

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I'm in my room, collecting all the paper pieces torn by my youngest sister and mom comes near the room.

'What are you doing', mom asks as she reaches the door of my room.
(The door is not open yet)

'Nothing mom, cleaning room', I reply.

Cleaning what? (mother)
I cleaned it an hour ago. (Adds mom)
(Mom opens the door and sees me gathering the pages of book)

God! This is the same book that you were awarded for winning the quiz competition, no? (mother)

"Um... yeah mom, you're right. This is the same book", i say
"It's alright mom, I have more rewards which have been awarded to me throughout my career", i convince mom so that she should not be worried.

Each prize is more valuable than every other prize, a prize is a kind of thing that describes the work behind achieving it, a secret of hard work, the secret of your love with the work. It explains that how passionate you're with your work.(mother)

Mom stops talking as the telephone rings

"Hello, Mrs Carl's Speaking", mom picks.

Hello Mrs Carl how are you? This is Mrs. David, we're coming to you at 8:30 pm.

Well, yeah okay. (mother)

"Okay", Mrs David.
Bye, see you in the evening. Adds (Mrs. David)

Goodbye, you see. (mother)

(Astonishingly) Who is it mom?

She was Mr. David's wife, they're coming to us tonight. (mother)

Tonight? For doing what? And who this David is?

'He's your daddy's friend, he's coming to dinner with his family', the mother replies.

Dinner? Tonight? (Nyle, amazingly)

See your suit, I put it on bed in your room. ( mom smiles)
I bought a three piece for you.(mom adds)
I rush toward my room without Waisting a single second.
"Oh God! What a suit! A combination of black and red. What if it would have given to me on the day when i will be standing together with Perry on the day of our wedding, mine and Perry's wedding, she will be wearing red too. Although it's not a tradition but i will make her to do so", i just loss myself in a kind of imagination and my sister knocks the door.

"Nyle, John's calling you", mom(distantly)

I put back the suit and leave the room hurriedly.

"Hey Nyle, it's a movie plan", John states.

"John, i will be getting busy. You guys can go. I'm not coming this time, next week we will be going to watch movie together", i refused to go.

"Okay. Okay. Let it be us then", John laughs.

"Nyle come here, get some...some vegetables and some sort of other things from market", mom speaks from her own room.

"Yeah mom, what kind of things are to be brought", i implore.

"Ummm... Take a page i want you to note down, you get forget", mom.

"Oh mom... I won't be forgetting anything", i say.

"You often do my love, now just take a page, a pen and just.. Just note down", mom(politely).

"Okay, make me note", i say.

"You have to buy two packets of tomato sauce, a jar of butter, three dozen bananas" mom makes me to note down.
"apples, oranges one kg each", mom adds.

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