I don't know if this is water or pee

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I shifted uncomfortably where I was sitting, the floor of the boat had a huge puddle of salt water splashing around and flying everywhere.
I was extremely scared of huge bodies of water, and being in a boat that was filling with water wasn't exactly my ideal way to spend a day, but since we were shooting the video for "the ghost of you" and someone had decided that I was the one that should die, I couldn't just get the hell of there.

I was so scared that I for a minute thought taking Franks hand, but I knew that I couldn't, even though he was the one person that made me feel safe right now. Gerard has been extremely distant lately, I didn't know why, we used to be extremely close, but now he just acted as if I was some kind of disappointment.

I heard Frank saying something about being scared when his balls got wet, this confused me so I looked up to see a camera filming us. I looked down at my extremely wet pants and
jokingly said

-I don't even know if this is water or pee...

I heard Gerard laugh at that comment, but it was a mocking laugh, I could hear that it was, since I was his brother after all.
The guy with the camera turned it off and went to film something else, I don't know what though because we were literally in the middle of nowhere, not just that, we were on the OCEAN in the middle of nowhere.

-Dude did you seriously piss yourself, Gerard said laughing his ass off.

I looked down, because as a matter of fact I did, I was so fucking scared that I pissed myself, and Gerard apparently found that extremely amusing.
A tear made its way down my cheek, you wouldn't see that it was a tear since we were all soaked in saltwater (and pee in my case).

-What if I did? I choked out

Gerard looked at me for a second and started laughing again, even louder, this caused me to fucking break down and start crying violently into my hands that was covering my very red and tear stained face.

-Gerard what the actual fuck, why the hell are you laughing?! Frank said, I felt my heart melt because Frank cared about me, he stood up for me.

-Oh come on Frank, it's hilarious, he knows that I'm not serious.

I felt more tears escape my eyes, how the hell did he think that this was a joke.
Frank carefully grabbed my hands and placed them in my knee, his skin against mine literally sent fireworks through my body, fuck, I hate being in love.

-Gee he's fucking crying you absolute asshole!
Frank said clearly upset about the fact that I'm being so pathetic that I'm crying.

Gerard looked at my tear filled eyes for a second, then he just went back to laughing.

-He's just being a fucking baby. Gerard spit

Frank didn't say anything more, he just carefully put one of his arms around my shoulders as I continued to sob.


We were finally done shooting, to be honest the part where I died was probably my favourite part. Mostly because Gerard pretended to actually be upset over the fact that his "beloved" brother died.
Why can't he just love me? I'm his fucking brother!

-What was your favourite part? Some interviewer asked me and Gerard.

-My favourite part was dying. I said, dead serious.

-That was your favourite part? Gerard asked looking pissed as fuck. I didn't know why though.

When everything was packed up and done we could finally go home, it was the best feeling ever to just throw myself onto my bed and bury my face in a fluffy pillow.
It may or may not have been a pillow that Frank lent me because my own pillow and just randomly disappeared, and I may or may not love that it smells like him.
Of course more tears left my eyes as I was laying in my bed, remembering the day, it also hit me that I pissed myself in front of Frank, that was embarrassing as hell. I knew that he would never like me, but now? I bet he fucking hated me...

I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes it was pitch black in my room, and my frickin jeans were wet.
Why can't I go five seconds without wetting myself?
I was about to get out of bed and change pants when I heard my door open and light from the rest of the house deep into my room, I quickly scrambled back under my covers so that whoever was about to enter my room didn't see my wet pants.

He didn't say a word, maybe he saw that my eyes were red from crying myself to sleep, because he simply laid down next to me and hugged me, tight.
The overwhelming sensation of calmness hit me as Frank gently stroke my back, it sent literal shivers down my spine as his hand moved over my shirt covered skin.

-Mikey... did you? He asked carefully letting go of the grasp he had around me and gently moving his legs away from mine.

-I'm... I'm sorry, I don't know why this keeps happening I just...
I was cut off by Frank putting his hand on my cheek, the touch made me go bright red.

-It's okay Baby, let's get you cleaned up, okay?

My heart skipped a beat, did Frank Iero just call me baby?
I swallowed thiccly and nodded.

Standing in your wet boxers in front of the guy you're in love with isn't exactly comfortable, but since I had to shower I had to remove my clothes, and since I was extremely sensitive Frank didn't want me to be alone in the bathroom.

-I can turn away if you want me to... Frank said gesturing towards me with his arms

-You... don't have to if you don't want to...
I said as I carefully began to pull my underwear off.
When they were off I quickly stepped into the shower and let the warm water soak into my skin, washing away all the bad things, only leaving warmth.
I moaned at the warmth of the water, I usually did that for some reason and I didn't know why.

-Uh... Mikey what are you doing?
Frank asked

I realised that I just fucking moaned while having Frank in the room, wow I'm stupid.

-I was just uh, I could've told him the truth but my mind decided that I shouldn't.

-Just What?

-Umm jerking off? Why the hell did I say that??

-Okay... do you need help with that? Frank asked suggestively.

-Uh... yeah... I choked out and before I knew it Frank got into the shower, NAKED. FRANK IERO WAS IN FRONT OF ME, AND HE WAS NAKED!

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