I can't live without you but I can leave before you do

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TW: angst, death, major character death, implied suicide, blood, foul language,

I love him, I'm so in love with him, he's my everything, my life and my purpose, my star, but he's not mine...

I glared angrily at Frank who was sitting on our couch while making out with his girlfriend, Ashley, I couldn't tell him not to do that because he lived here too, he payed rent, he bought groceries, that meant that he could bring his girlfriend here.

-I love you Frankie~ she said in this annoying high pitched voice. I hated her, I hated her and her stupid fucking voice.

Frank didn't respond, instead he looked up at me as if he was asking for permission?
I just glared at him with my eyes rimmed with tears, I hated all about this, I wanted death.
Ashley looked at Frank in confusion as to why he didn't say "I love you too (you blonde bubblegum smelling bitch)"

-Frankie? Really? I whisper-yelled at them.

-Gee don't be like this... Frank tried

-That has been my fucking nickname for you since first grade, but I guess that doesn't fucking matter since you care more about this  Assbitch than you've ever cared about me! I spat before I ran out of the living room, actually I ran out of the apartment too, I ran until I couldn't feel my bare feet against the ground anymore, I ran until I collapsed on the ground.

"I just wanted you to know, that the world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me, are you thinking of me, like I'm thinking of you"

The words slowly left my chapped and faded lips, fuck everything.

*Third person POV*

A boy was laying on the ground, he was slowly bleeding to death, a car had hit his poor body but no one seemed to care that the poor boy was dying, little did they know that the poor boy was already dead

*Franks POV*

So long to all my friends

I can't believe that the last words I said to the love of my life was "Gee, don't be like this".

Everyone of them met tragic ends

His funeral was so beautiful, you're not supposed to say that about funerals though but it truly was.

With every passing day I'd be lying if I didn't say that I miss them all tonight

So peaceful, just like he would've wanted it.
With white roses on the coffin, nothing but white roses.

And if they only knew

He was too pure for anything else.

What I would say

I found the note he left, I cried for three days straight after reading it, Gerard loved me but I was too oblivious to see it.

If I could be with you tonight I would sing you to sleep

I laid down on his bed, the pillow still smelled like him, it made me feel safe, and for a second,  just a second, it felt as if he was there, right next to me, reading some comic book or maybe writing something, but Gerard was dead.

Never let them take the light behind your eyes

Standing in front of a loved ones grave isn't easy, how could it be?

One day I'll loose this fight

-I love you Gee, I'm so in love with you, you're still my everything, you were my life... my purpose, my little star... you will never be mine now.

As we fade in the dark

Bleeding out was actually really calming, especially knowing that I would finally leave all this pain

Just remember you will always burn as bright

"Frank, this is probably the shittiest way ever of leaving, but I know that it's my time to go, I haven't decided how yet... that's up to the world to choose.
I need you to know that it isn't your fault, you were the one thing keeping me sane.
I love you Frank, I truly do, I'm so in love with you, you're my everything, you're my life and my purpose, my star, but you weren't supposed to be mine, because you loved someone else, not me, someone else, and I'm fine with that.
I can't live without you, but I can leave before you do.
I don't care about the message or the rules they make
I'll find you when the sun goes black
And you only live forever in the lights you make
But even lights can fade away
I was meant for loving you Frank, but I suppose that the world is cruel, and you weren't for me, I love you, forever.
Sincerely yours Gerard "

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