Christmas Eve.

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  • Dedicated to Ai Bichara

"Umma...arent we going to do anything for Christmas Eve?" Dylan whined as his mom helped him into his new sweater. JanDi stood back to admire her work. It wasnt perfect but it was made out of love.

"Do you like it?" JanDi asked tentatively.

"Its comfy." Dylan beamed. JanDi kissed him and her cell began to ring.

"Now who could that be?" JanDi wondered as she reached for her phone.


Yunho was lazing around on the couch as he flipped through the channels on TV. Christmas Eve was as hateful as Valentine's Day. Both days you spend with your family and loved ones and Yunho had neither. His family was too far away and he had already spent an hour skyping with them but he ended it when he saw the tears in his mothers eyes and heard the way her voice cracked when she said "I miss you son." Changmin's family lived in Seoul so he was spending time with them. The silence in his apartment was getting to him. He hated being alone. Yunho had always been the social butterfly. Surrounded by family, friends and later But since JYJ departed, this strange loneliness had taken over. Normally he would spend Christmas Eve with Yoochun and Jaejoong, both of whose parents werent in Seoul. They'd drink and play games till the sun came up and then ran around the apartment in their underwear screaming 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" And then once Changmin and Junsu joined them, they'd drink again and sing stupid songs like "Oh's Lee Sooman's a jolly good fellow" in their broken english while Yoochun orchestrated.

Yunho opened his wallet and took out a picture. It was an old one

He grinned. They were so stupid once. But that time had been good.

"Aita" Yunho exclaimed as another picture slipped out and fell. He picked it up and gazed at it, his smile slowly fading. The girl in the picture had her cheek pressed against his as he held her in his arms. Broad smiles on both their faces. She had shoulder length black hair and a fringe, an oval face and big brown eyes full of happiness. This girl, was JanDi. Yunho sighed as he traced the picture with his thumb. He didnt even remember keeping this, he must have kept it out of spite. He placed both the pictures back into the inner sections of his wallet. Never to look at them again. Atleast, not for a while. He lay back, his head hanging over the top of the sofa as he closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.

He sort of did have family in Seoul. But it wasnt a real one. It was a lie. His phone rang and he answered it.

"Oppa! Its Sica...Happy Christmas!" Jessica's girly voice pierced his eardrums.

"Oh hey...Happy Christmas." Yunho rubbed his forehead.

"Guess what Im wearing right now?"

"Nothing?" Yunho smiled.

"Haha...close...I bought new lingerie today with the girls. Its sure to turn you on." She teased.

"Cant wait." Yunho said.

"Till tomorrow then. Saranghae!" She hung up before hearing his reply. Yunho let out a deep sigh as he sat staring at his phone. He pressed a few buttons, placing the phone against his ear. The bell rang for a while.


Jaejoong was ready to surprise her. If they couldnt meet in public, then he'd romance her indoors. He bought expensive wine and cooked dinner. He was dressed in a black V-neck and and jeans. Casual, nothing too fancy. He wondered what she would be wearing. Nothing sexy, that wasnt her style. She was always cute. Always. And he loved it. He sat down grinning to himself as he joined his hands together. Humming to himself. Finally, getting restless he called her.

The bell rang for a while.


"Yobeseyo?" JanDi asked.

"Hey...its me." a familiar voice replied.

"...Is something wrong?"

"I want to see you and Dylan. Are you free tonight?" Yunho asked as he played with his shirt uncomfortably.

"Yea...we're free. But..."

"Please...I'll come pick you guys up. We'll go shopping and then for dinner okay? See you in half an hour." Yunho hung up before she got a chance to reject him. He got up, grabbed his coat and headed out.


"The number you have dialled is busy at the moment. Please try later."

Jaejoong frowned. Was she busy? With whom? Did she forget about tonight?

He tried to cheer up, but his heart broke. Just a little. But it broke.

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