Chapter 3

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I jump out of bed, sunlight shines from behind the curtains and my eyelids are barely staying open. The music and shouting kept me awake most of the night.

Taking one, fragile step at a time, I make my way to the kitchen. I grab myself a glass of water and panadol.

I sit down on one of the bench stools and rest my head in my hands and consume the medication. Sighing, I wait for them to kick in.

I was hardly drinking last night but I guess the lack of sleep, hydration and deep thoughts of moving didn't do me any good.

I make myself get up and put two small slices of bread in the toaster.

Walking into the tiny lounge, I notice a lot of bottles smashed or lying around everywhere. I pick up a few of the broken pieces and lay them in some newspaper I found on the desk.

The toaster pops and I drop what I'm doing for the food, food is life.

I cut an avocado in half and tomato in slices, laying them on top of the bread. I pour myself another glass of water.

Taking my first bite I check the time, 11:30. Still no sign of Emily anywhere.

Finishing up the toast I walk to Emily's door and knock lightly on it. A groan occurs and I walk back to the kitchen to grab more panadol and another glass of water.

"Hey, I brought some panadol," I whisper, walking into the room.


"Have a good rest but don't sleep too much, we're going for a run later," I laugh as I place the items on her bedside table.


Chuckling, I walk out and continue to pick up most of the rubbish scattered everywhere.

By the time I'm done, it's 1:15 and Emily still hasn't moved from her bed, no run for her today.

Going back to my room I check my phone to see a piece of paper hidden in the screen.

"It was nice meeting you last night, have a great time in North Carolina. Any hassles just call, hope to see you there someday ~ Cameron."

He left his number at the bottom of the slip, I place it in my phone straight away before putting most of my things on the floor for boxes. I receive a text from mum.

*Hey. So, we got our flight changed for tomorrow at 7:45. Hope you've got most things packed? We'll pick you up around 5. Make the most of your last day!!*

I roll my eyes and pull out my laptop. The Rio disc is in. About 10 minutes into the movie I feel my eyelids slowly closing and before I know it, I'm out like a light.


The next feels like the same as yesterday. I don't have a clue what day it is but I'm gonna stay home anyways.

I feel like a bad friend for not telling most of the girls I'm going but I think it's for the best.

I get into a a black and navy thin striped crop top that was so tight you could see the outline of the the lace on my bra. I then get into a pair of black overalls and some black open-toed heels. I tie my hair up in a low ponytail leaving it loose and grab my black shoulder strap bag and glasses before heading out the door to find a gift for Em and some boxes.

I walk down the street to the supermarket and to my luck I spot some large boxes. I take them and head back tp the apartment.

"Hey," Em smiles.

"You're looking much better," I laugh.

"So are you, oh my, I love your top!" She shouts.

Em is wearing a pair of washed high-waisted jeans and a black and white top flowing when she walks.

  "Mum text me last night and said I leave today at 7ish," I say with a straight face.

"Live a little, you're nit gonna die. Plus, you may find a cute guy there," she smiles.

"Yeah, no."

"If you don't want a pretty boy, I'll have him."


"What? I need a man in my life. Let's go out for lunch and then I'll help you with packing everything up," she smiles and hooks an arm around mine before leading us to the big streets.

We eat at a little diner at the corner of our street, Emily having the burger and me with chicken salted fries.

"So, Cameron aye," Em winks at me.

"No, it was just a game and he has a girlfriend," I shrug my shoulders as I consume a handful of fries.

"Yeah whatever, I'm sure you wanted to get into his pants," she laughs and I roll my eyes.

"You always have to talk about that kinda stuff," I say in a monotone.

"I don't have to, I do. It brings happiness to the world," she waves her hands around us.

"Whatever. I leave in a few hours and most of my boxes aren't packed and they should be," I say, scoffing the last frie.

"Okay, we can head back and pack then you're all set," she laughs.

We get back to the apartment and pack all my things. I pack my large suitcase with clothes and little travel bag for the plane.

My parents arrive shortly after and I give my last hugs I'll share with Em.

"Don't ever forget me on the other side. Skype me when you can and I'll have Hannah and Izzy over when they're free," when we pull away I notice tears falling down her face.

"I'll be back before you know it. Goodluck and I'll see you soon," I sniffle with a few tears falling down my cheeks aswell.

Emily moves on to hugging my mum, dad and brothers.

"I'll miss you all. Have a safe flight," Em said before closing door.

I take a deep breath thinking about what will happen for me now.

Once we're in the car, it takes less than 20 minutes to get to the airport.

We check in and do all the touristy business. Mum and I check the drugstores and smell loads of beautiful perfume while the boys laugh at funny looking neckrests.

Our flight number is called on the loud speakers and before I know we're on the plane to North Carolina.


Sorry it's taken me so long to put up another chapter! I'll try be more organised and will hopefully have another up by next week or the week after!! 

I hope you all  are enjoying the book so far, it gets more exciting soon trust me!!

Hope you're all well?!

Thanks for your support!!!

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